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Everything posted by CinchedWaist

  1. the aye aye. aka ugliest primate...ever. http://www.szgdocent.org/pp/p-aye4.jpg'>
  2. http://dannyayers.com/2003/08/photos/tinyfrog-hand.jpg'>
  3. http://www.brianskerry.com/images2/mammals/beluga.jpg'>
  4. haha, i know! i think even the girls had pit hair.
  5. ^^exactly. i don't remember the first time. i generalized.
  6. this question is a little tricky. the first time i ever watched one in its entirety was pretty recent. If you count Skinimax soft porn crap, thats where i got all my sex ed. (i went to a catholic grammar school, for chrissakes!) so if you count skinimax... who were you with? me, myself and I who's video was it and where were you? video? ha! we're talking cable soft porn here, pal. in my front room, with my parents asleep. how old were you? . 10...or younger. I was a very early bloomer. were you nervous? no, more like curious. was it meaningful? sure. it introduced me to sex. first impression? masturbation before my frist porn, though, me and my friend found her parents "joy of sex" book with all these positions. that was a little more intense.
  7. http://www.rkamstra.demon.nl/images/bella.jpg'>
  8. http://www.ascusc.org/jcmc/vol1/issue2/hand.jpg'>
  9. jeezus. great fuckin thread. makes me feel all fuzzy inside.
  10. http://www.urbi.ubi.pt/000222/images/tetsuo.jpg'>
  11. http://www.menzelphoto.com/images/gallery/big/science/humanoids/gal_sci_hum_03.jpg'>
  12. the stuff i find on google... http://www.mizunoryu.com/lightening.jpg'>
  13. yes... The thing i have for you....its......good for a spy. woohoo. i have something for dlush too... all in due time. :scowl:
  14. ^^yes. I think i have a problem. everytime i lay on my couch BOOM instantly i fall asleep. its like the void.
  15. that picture actually creeps me out (cat and dog). i want a chinchilla instead http://www.distrivictoria.com.ar/images/otras_mascotas/chinchilla.jpg'>
  16. http://schools.monterey.k12.ca.us/~drey/msn/bat.JPG'>
  17. slow your row, casek jr. i have something for you at home... you'll get it one day. it is sooo kewl.
  18. slave. i'm so bored. i'm going to be in this thread all day. maybe. http://www.petvets.com/petpostcards/smiling.jpg'> k.
  19. http://gxpmall.bizland.com/ol_dirty_bastard.jpg'> big baby jeezusss slave, use oil of olay w/spf. thats what i do. and my nose is a potato.
  20. http://www.lafterhall.com/hayworth2sm.jpg'>
  21. slimeball, thats looking nice so far .... post the results when your finished as well!
  22. its all a matter of self-esteem, ya know. it seems as if alot women, no matter what cup size or dress size or whatever are never satisfied with their bodies. its important to just be happy with your bod and just accept your flaws...something that one person may see as a flaw (a cup breasts) may be beautiful to another. ok, thats enough, gotta leave work now.
  23. i'm sayin, fake ones can be nice to look at, no ques. but when you look past the superficiality of the matter and see what horrible things it could do to a woman's body, i can't say i'm for em.
  24. I've heard your supposed to get new ones every few years as well... the implants are relatively porous so bacteria can get in em and grow, not to mention a bunch of other complications. that means even more money. also, even saline implants have a silicone shell...i don't think its worth the money or risks at all. they can look nice sometimes, if their done right. but girls with em will always seem somewhat flaky to me. shit, what was the name of that website..... ok, got it silicone holocaust some of the photos on the site above are pretty harsh.
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