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Everything posted by Gunm

  1. Is it me or does this 3-D remind you alot of DAIM. :huh2: Quoted post [/b] very very much so.
  2. BoxCars.... this web link of yours intrigues me....can you provide a little more detailed explanation of this html password retrieval thing of yours
  3. Some of my experiments with girls. i wish writers would sketch more chicks..... this one guy looked at my book once and was all "what's with all these bitches dude?" to which i replied.... "better looking at a hot chick than a dick."
  4. "knightbats.................we wish our legacy was as cool as the nightowls"
  5. :rolleyes: ugh, how cliched. Well, this little sheepie is enjoying his new 7 megapixel digital camera very much thanks
  6. knightbats....you're all wet....beware the rise of the Nightowls
  7. right on....uhhhh.how ya gonna do that if you don't live here though?
  8. Wrong wrong wrong. No matter where you go, you will be assured that at Starbucks, your coffee will be the same as how you get it at home. At the mom and pop places, the flavor changes with the cafe. One place might be the bomb but the next location could serve you up a total dogshit latte. Starbucks is consistent. I never have to worry about a crappy cup of coffee. And those mom and pop places.....usually loaded up with would-be intellectuals, assholes perched over their laptops and dickweeds commenting on politics loud enough so that everyone else can hear. Some places you can't even walk into comfortably if you're not "hip" enough. At Starbucks i can stand in line comfortably with joe-sixpack and sally housewife without feeling like i am being sized up by some beret wearing asshole holding a copy of "Catcher In The Rye" We all bitch about "conformity" "the man" "captialism" but let's face it, consistency in certain avenues in life is a damn good thing and this especially holds true for coffee
  9. OOOOOOOOoooo http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/9764/flamethrower.jpg'> Sub Dude, you got BURNED G! Oh, but yeah, I'm like Bonnie....I tend to buy cheap coffee simply to wake up. I usually only have the gourmet expensive shit when i go out to dinner at a nice restaurant
  10. Goatwhore...way to come through with the pages....damn man, you're makin' me feel bad for not having my current one packed to the fuckin' gills with stuff yet!
  11. http://photobucket.com/albums/v280/ILockKidsInMyCellar/th_flick4.jpg'> David Choe http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v280/ILockKidsInMyCellar/flcik3.jpg'> comrade in arms Pleg9 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v280/ILockKidsInMyCellar/flick2.jpg'> stickers...Cycle and the asian broad are tied for first http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v280/ILockKidsInMyCellar/flcik5.jpg'> something while waiting for BART http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v280/ILockKidsInMyCellar/flcik1.jpg'> more "waiting" sketches. The girl actually has some good shading but you can't see on account of the photo quality
  12. GOatwhore....comin' correct with sketches that almost made me piss myself
  13. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v280/ILockKidsInMyCellar/stok.jpg'> Stok1 (thanks for the beer homie!) And Chuck.....we wouldn't have the respect for you like we do if you weren't a horrible person
  14. ^^^ Chuck stole it from my blackbook for those in the know.....
  15. http://img33.exs.cx/img33/9384/FreekaLeekII.gif'> Nice...I luv brown sugar
  16. ...like kindegardners on ritalin
  17. http://www.effect.net.au/lukastan/humour/Visual-Rude/Sex-01/Male-Brain.gif'>
  18. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/banana-arrow.gif'>
  19. that gif schnizzle posted should not be viewed by anyone under the influence of lsd
  20. Willy Wonkas animated gif is dope but would be even better without that homosexual in the background.
  21. wow....so hot....I do not see the fat asian kids face nor tease....thank god
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