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Swiffer Jet

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Everything posted by Swiffer Jet

  1. gahh, you're killing me. why must i pick the word? umm... shun
  2. when is the deadline and what is the word?
  3. zesto's Z burns. who wants to battle me? i'm fucking bored.
  4. both of you need to practice up straight letters the N in mona is good though.
  5. boredom early in the morn' http://pic7.picturetrail.com/VOL192/1547566/2958238/36702989.jpg'> nothing special
  6. where's the letter structure?
  7. not at all man. just keep it simple for now.
  8. dude, what the hell is up with you. people have been telling you to start off easy...with basic letters! now here you are doing that god forsaken shit of yours again. ughh.
  9. you should have said something in the lines of doing a prod.uction of some sort. not finishing off a sketch of yours.
  10. hey, learn to grow up and finish it yourself. there's nothing wrong with asking for advice.
  11. yes, but without the lowrider. keep drawing simples until you get a basic feel for the letters. then start experimenting. bending this part, adding a kick there, etc etc
  12. holy shit, that R is unbelievable! crazy how people from different parts of the world can have almost similar letters/styles. mine looks nothing like that, but the concept is similar.
  13. Re: some recent flicks you should keep it simple. that's ugly. did you read any of the tips prior to posting/drawing?
  14. god damn. you uploading huge images take forever. convert them. and draw KLUE. don't go lopsided and uneven.
  15. the last one is a lot better. now make the letters thicker.
  16. hahaha yeah man, work on your letters. read what yoink said (letter structures)
  17. on a more serious note, that's the most i have ever saw yoink post in one time.
  18. for starters, you don't have letter structure. you're jumping way ahead of yourself.
  19. who cares if they're a christian metal band? you're a bitch fuck if you think that hurts your cool image.
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