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Everything posted by Obvious

  1. You think cops don't call it all the slang? I heard cops callin that shit coke, dope, bricks, powder, all that shit. Wake up to reality.
  2. i don't drink anymore but when i did this would help me go to sleep: cut it with a little coke
  3. Re: November 2006 i don't think i'll be voting. voted in 04. i'll be pulling for the dems to take back the house/senate and congress.
  4. Are you absolutely serious? Dope is street slang. I know many dudes that call it dope. Of course, it's kinda more old school and you don't hear it as much. Rappers have referred to it as "dope" in their songs.
  5. I'll read up on it and might comment later. Unlike some people here (like --->), I won't comment on a subject until I do some research.
  6. Ummm, I joined in the summer of '00, before 9/11 when the U.S. wasn't at war with anyone. Again, I saw no one Tattoos don't disqualify you from certain positions. Only things that disqualify you from certain jobs are things like color blindness (can't do jobs that require looking at a radar screen, etc), low ASVAB scores (can't take a Nuke job if you're dumb as a bag of rocks), inability to swim (can't be a diver or a SEAL), or weird skin conditions (can't be a cook). I have seen people with tattoos in a wide range of jobs, including commissioned officers and other high ranking officials. A tattoo doesn't inhibit your intelligence or ability to work a job.
  7. I didn't read much of the first post and it doesn't interest me much. Espcially since it's not from an objective news source but the notoriously opinionated "prisonplanet.com." I pretty much skimmed over it. :shrug:
  8. No, you didn't "simply" say that. You accused me of stating that "Canada's financial existance is dependant on the US." Which I never said. I said it benefits from the US. You twist your own words because when called out you slowly change what you said originally and backtrack. Also, I said Canada would have to ADJUST after the US, say, no longer existed. However, Canada would logically prefer the US because it is next door and trade will run smoother than trading with India or Australia or some far off place.
  9. i'm not a republican, fool. i voted for kerry in 04.
  10. And how the fuck would you know that you piece of shit. You can ask me just about anything relating to the navy.
  11. Were you at the physical examinations? They'll give you shit but there are plenty of people in the military with tattoos. Tattoos are more of a rule with a lot of leeway and hardly enforced. They have rules about how you can't have tattoos that are visible while wearing a uniform (hands, neck, face), but I've seen people with visible tattoos in uniform. It's loosely enforced.
  12. You haven't even joined the military or even walked into a recruiting office (obviously), and you're trying to tell someone that joined after high school and served for 4 years what the rules in the military is. Yes, recruiters do lie about shit. Because they want to get as many recruits as possible. It looks good on their evals speeds up their next promotion (which means more money). However, my recruiter never told me to lie about it. For one, I've never broken a bone and if I did I'd write YES. Writing down YES doesn't mean you can't join. The only issue recruiters have is that it slows down the process if the recruit puts "YES." Because that means more paperwork for the recruiter, including doctors records and more checks from the civilian doctors working with the military. It just slows down the process altogether. What you originally said was that you can't join if you've broken a bone and put "YES." That is just not true.
  13. I didn't say Canada's financial existence depends on the U.S... I said Canada benefits greatly economically from the US, and the statistics and facts show that. Sure, if the U.S. disappeared tommorrow, Canada would have to look elsewhere. But, the majority of Canada's current international trade depends on the U.S... But Canada's close proximity to the U.S. is a huge benefactor -- Canada's expenses of shipping the goods are much cheaper than shipping to somewhere across the world, across oceans. Also, the amount/quantity of goods are greater when over land/highways as opposed to the open ocean. So Canada would rather do trading with the U.S. than say Europe if both products are available in both regions. It just makes sense. As far as Mexico -- 85% of international trade is done with the US. The end.
  14. Why don't you eat it, you fat pig.
  15. You're a stupid fuck. Go look it up for yourself at your local recruiting office. Breaking a bone in your life doesn't prevent you from joining the military. I guess when you realized you lost, you start typing largely and blowing your fuse. It's actually pretty entertaining watching you spiral out of control. :lol:
  16. Thanks for proving again that you're biased and thus your opinion is rendered completely useless and invalid. Go fuck yourself, you armchair rebel.
  17. Wrong again, people with felonies can join the Marines and the Army. People with felonies cannot be a cop. People that get convicted of a crime in court can be given the option by the judge to join the military, if the crime isn't too serious. That is not possible for the police force. No, my recruiter never told me that. For one, you can get in if you've broken a bone, idiot. Especially if that shit happened a long time ago and is no longer hampering you physically.
  18. You're twisting your own words, after realizing you're wrong. We're stating whether it's right or wrong in what he did. At first you made him out to be right for doing so, but when you realized you stuck your foot in your mouth, you're taking the coward route and you're trying to backpeddle and simply say "it is what it is" -- that he did what he did because he had a "reason." :lol: Duh! Thanks Captain Obvious for stating that he had a "reason" for why he ran and shot. I'm pretty sure the dude that killed Jon Benet Ramsey had a reason -- doesn't mean I agree with it. These are two different arguments. We were condemning him for his actions. You're now just trying to take the safe route and act like all you said was that he "did what he did because he did it." You're a coward. Stick to your guns. You need to get shot when you plan to "defend" yourself by shooting at cops. But because it's revealed that you're a coward, you're most likely an armchair anarchist that only talks violence against cops but doesn't act. Good riddance. You are without a doubt the dumbest, scumbaggish, biased sack of shit that has ever posted in the history of 12oz.
  19. You are one sheltered, dumb, ignorant, deaf, dumb, and blind motherfucker. Soldiers are just regular people. Anyone can join the military. I was in the military from 00-04. Big deal. The military will take just about anyone. Many times people that get jail sentences are given a choice by the judge to join the military, if that gives you a better idea about how they take anyone. The average person in the military doesn't "enforce" the law or has the authority to. Most are just "bodies" working a job. Him being a soldier has nothing to do with anything. Again, stop watching the X-Files and the listening to what your favorite punk rock band has to say about politics and try looking at reality.
  20. Of course I got you, bitch. You said "what if" once. But what we're talking about is claiming you never saying "what if" at all. Here's the lie I called you out on: Wow, it's lie on top of lie with you! I also wasn't just talking about "what if" in the phrase literally, but the "what if" type hypothetical scenarios (as I stated) -- in which "probably" was included. They're all still "what if" style scenarios.
  21. And what is that? Him being stopped for speeding? Or going all the way back to him slanging drugs? Whose fault is that? He chose to slang drugs he wasn't forced to.
  22. Of course the dude that ran and shot the two cops had a "reason," idiot. I never said he didn't. You're making "having a reason" out to be some form of validity. Everyone has reasons. Doesn't mean all reasons are the right reasons. Child molesters rape children for a reason. Of course anyone can "defend" themself against a cop, but this case wasn't a case of self-defense. Dude shot the first cop who simply stopped him, and shot the second cop (who never sicked the dog on him). No, people are not born into the law (thanks Captain Obvious). People are born, then they grow up, go to school, get educated, with the guidance of their parents and teachers, are taught moral and ethical standards (which laws are mostly based on), and later are expected to learn about and abide by the laws which were created to maintain social order. Yes, they have the choice to kill cops and kill and rape and maim people. And by that choice they will most likely end up shot by a cop or thrown in jail. It's that simple. Choose one. Despite your anarchist "rebel" views, the law has obviously worked on you because you have yet to go on shooting rampages and killing cops (while claiming "self defense" in the process).
  23. You haven't stated specifically which laws you considered "nonsensical." Do you think a law banning you from shooting cops with a shotgun as being nonsensical? The founding fathers didn't view laws against killing (when not in self defense) as being nonsensical. The founding fathers viewed laws that repressed freedom of speech, practicing whatever religion you'd like, etc. -- as being nonsensical. The shit we're talking about has nothing to do with any of that.
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