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Everything posted by livetodestro

  1. That ad is so full of shit. Philly's being gentrified and already heading in the direction of becoming as expensive as NYC in the next decade or so. I'm willing to bet Philly has more bullshit laws and more cops per sqaure foot too. And the only houses in Philly that have lawns and garages are in the rich sections or all the way the fuck up North East. Oh yeah, the houses near South Street are all building garages that are taking away all the street parking so now there's even less parking... just like NYC. .
  2. You're all going to hate yourselves if dude offs an entire family due to the "comand hallucinations" induced by your responses. :haha: Not sure if I have a point.
  3. Hey homie why don't you go back and re-read that cause obviously you're confused. I wasn't the one popping the shit.
  4. Damn! What year is that Desa from??? And that Phono reminds me of some older Boner shit.
  5. This is funny. I actually concidered starting a thread EXACTLY like this. The idiot I was arguing with who origionally came at me out of the blue started backing down and talking some fag shit trying to change the subject. But I realized it was a wast of time arguing with this nut over the internet and would have been an even bigger wast of time boring others with a bad thread.
  6. Dope idea for a thread. Just hope it doesn't get toyed out like the "handstyles" and "throwie" threads.
  7. I remember in my city in the late 90's they tried to nail this guy for marying a 17 year old Cambodian or Tai chick that he knocked up. They locked him up and charged him but I think he might have beat it cause the chicks parents gave him permition to mary her and refused to press charges and were pissed that the DA was coming after their son in law to begin with. The DA pressed their own charges. Anything to lock a nigga up.
  8. The only "maturity level" needed to engage in sex is a hard cock and a wet pussy. True story.
  9. Actually as recent as WW2 era it was still normal in America for 14 year old girls to get married to 20 something men. And nobody considered it a problem.
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