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Everything posted by oneeightyone

  1. <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0e-IP5zwe30"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0e-IP5zwe30" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
  2. The Solo in "ONE". FUckin' a.
  3. actually may 5th. remember, we're all gonna be at the same place.
  4. SOs mehicana, debes de tener cucas. it's a way of life. haha. but set. april = south may = southwest june = out of cunts julyish=your place.
  5. Yo, i fucking hate the internet. on another note. I Have low expectations all the fucking time and that's what i get. My trips will begin april 28th. who wants to meet me? this includes me sleeping on your bed or floor. if your floor has cuca's and shit, im taking the bed and or sofa.
  6. HAHAHAAH^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ that's fucking amazing.
  7. haha, me gustan las guerras tambien. *para mis papeles
  8. i have two numbers one is the number of people i've had intercourse with the other number includes all experiences of a deeply intimate nature i mean hey, if dude is gonna bust a nut the instant of penetration does that count as sex? yeah, it does... in my second count that's the count i'll give boyfriends..if they want to know but guys aren't much different then chicks in that respect either almost doesn't matter how the fuck many a guy has slept with if a girl has a total that shatters her boyfriend's image of her then it's way too many and she'll never live it down Quoted post [/b] True that. hey ego.. i was expecting to see names like. carlos, enrique, gustavo, joaquin, mauricio, pedro, paco. pablo, smiley, flaco, gordo, looney, and the like.. these names as "chad" are not in the stereotype.
  9. She's just a messican, that's how they are. on another note i want to put some fiberglass wings on a geo metro with a hemmy... plane?
  10. Im hanging onto sanity right now, im in that wierd 21 year old state of mind where im wondering what tomorrow brings. im really really scared, like, hella. I should just join the army or something. be like villian rocking bcg's and acting wierd as fuck. maybe get some welfare babies. or go the starving artist route.. but i like designer fashions too much.
  11. wait am i a knightbat? i think im gonna get in a car and drive out west one of these days. i know it's off topic but really, i do.
  12. I remember once when someone was talking about rage against the machine, and how can one rage against the machine whilst sitting in a million dollar home. . . .
  13. holy shit, is that "k" in that sime pic a k from SEK. heyzeus Crisco. lovin' these old flicks
  14. fuck, double post YEA deff man. you got any recent work? hit me up on pm. or shit, check out my myspace most recent from a trip to the midwest is there.
  15. dude, we need to plan a date for me to come up there. last time i got into some weird fucking shit in the middle of fucking harrisburg. including but not limited to. moonshine, 2 year old babys crying, fighting. being held on stairs as to not kill someone. dude at 4am selling steaks to me. yea, that one was wierd. i was just there 2 weeks ago at the body worlds exhibit. werd. i need a drink.
  16. i want to join the nightbats for friendly banter and well that's it. ill just talk as if i know. tonight ive been listening to biggie's ready to die album, lost boyz legal drug money, and i wonder if people on the west coast bang out these east coast heavy's like i do. like, can they?
  17. i dont like atb personally because you fuckers capped one of my peices, however i give props to all the destruction and mayhem D.C. is supposed to be grimey.
  18. MYSPACE RACE!?!?!?! how can i get in on this? and would numbers in the past year count towards the total?
  19. my first and probably last graff on canvas thing, i dont really like letters on canvas, but i just wanted to try.
  20. it's sooooooo abstract, and i feel the symbolism overwhelm me like a tattooed man in a prison cell. yessssssssssss.
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