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Everything posted by Hoblow

  1. I had a relationship with a married woman. They were estranged though. Does that still count?
  2. Hoblow


    See Soup? I tried to tell you your comebacks are wak, but you wouldn't listen. Now you gotta hear it from this guy? Take note, for your own good.
  3. They sydney scene seems to have everything the Melbourne scene is lacking.
  4. Hoblow


    Yeah, you obviously don't give a shit. Shine on.
  5. Hoblow


    You did it again dude. Whatever, I don't even care anymore. You suck at this.
  6. Hoblow


    Look dude, you're never gonna win an argument by making half assed assumptions about someone. All this shit about me colour matching my shoes and having my parents pay for everything is way off the mark. It's not an effective way to put someone down. You're never gonna make me feel bad, because none of that shit is true. I never said I was buying shoes to prove I'd made it in the world. The crux of what I was saying is that I have a lot of money and I don't give a fuck about your little sweatshop niggas. I'm not even mad at you anymore, just embarrased. Bought these recently: And I;m about to buy these:
  7. Hoblow


    Broke the bank, please. I get paid out the ass to do very little. I have a large disposable income and I like nikes. I prefer them over those brown ballerina shoes you're pushing. Are you a member of your local socialist party? You should look into it. They're great at bitching and moaning about all the problems of the world and then doing very little about it. Vive le consumer! For the record, I don't colour coordinate my clothing, shit's too much.
  8. Hoblow


    Ha ha, that was a mad fresh comeback, almost as fresh as the shoes I'm wearing.
  9. Hoblow


    I'm not the founder of nike. I don't give a shit what he thought. Nikes are overpriced, no surprise there, but I like them and I've got the money to spend on them so, whatever.
  10. Hoblow


    Whoa, chill out grandma. Go count your pennies. I'm gonna hate nikes cause everybody wears them. Not really, I love nikes.
  11. Re: >>> - SYDNEY - AUSTRALIA - <<< They're some massive tits. Fresh.
  12. Re: >>> - SYDNEY - AUSTRALIA - <<< Fucking awesome.
  13. Re: >>> - SYDNEY - AUSTRALIA - <<< Even though most sydney graff looks the same, at least it's a dope style.
  14. Re: Bit the Shed Thread My jaw really hurts for no apparent reason. Apparently I'm grinding my teeth in my sleep due to stress. Aint no surprise, but it makes eating difficult, so i've been avoiding it. My girls in another state and she doesn't know when she's coming home. I'm broke and I have a hundred things I need to spend money on. I have an increasingly shorter and shorter amount of time to save money for a trip OS and it's looking more and more likely that I won't have the cash. Fuck.
  15. Hoblow


    I just picked up the pheonix colourway of those. 1989 baby.
  16. Hoblow


    Just picked these up in blue. They only made 1000 of them apparently.
  17. She's hot for her age. I know you like her.
  18. Either way, she's still hot and it's still friday.
  19. I don't think there's any way that indonesia would ever execute her. With the evidence being as weak as it is, they wouldn't risk ruining our countries newly strengthened relationship by shooting her. Imagine the kind of uproar there would be!
  20. Stuck at work. Hanging out with a new female tonight, at her house. Things are looking good. Might email her and see if she wants me to bring some drinks or something. Schapelle corby may not get off, but you're crazy to think that she's guilty. Frate raper, i had a similar problem with an ex. She used to always be on my back about hanging out with my friends too much and not enough with her. When i booked a room in the city for our 2 year anniversary, we went out for a few drinks, bumped into some of her friends, all fat cows, and then she wanted to invite them up to the room. I told her to have fun, went back to the room by myself and charged some porn movies to her credit card.
  21. Dash dash dash dash dash. As much as you've got. i neeeeed to see dash. He overloads my mainframe. In a good way.
  22. Elvis1's flicks. Rest In Power lads.
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