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Everything posted by ATOMICWEDGIE

  1. Any ill graffers up in this thread into model railroads? I Know I am. HO scale to be exact. I just caught a pretty nice line of boxes rolling by on my table. I benched some dumb fly burners by sien5 and vism. I got flicks so hit me off if your interested in trades or straight up purchases. Peace out in the 05.
  2. I probably shouldn't be giving away this fly recipe but here goes. If you think Krink is permanent you ain't seen nothin' yet. First get yourself the necessary ingredients - 16 oz jar of mayonaise small jar of purple glitter Bottle of Jergens body lotion Half log of human feces (medium to firm stool) 36 box of crayola crayons Next heat your moms oven to 450 degrees. Mix the above ingredients into your households best cookware. Bake for 3 - 4 hours. I know the bake time is long but believe me its worth the wait. Once the mixture is down baking simply pour into your favorite marker. To draw this ultra permanent ink to the marker tip, extend the marker to your mouth and suck with full force. Remember - Don't get busted with this ink on your person. Its so permanent its a felony to have it in your possession.
  3. Totally AWESOME!!! For those of you who haven't experienced the thrill of puting up stickers in broad daylight let me tell you, your not living as wild as you think you are. Just the other day I was blessing a newspaper box with some fresh sticker bombs (broad daylight mind you) when a car came around the corner. I thought for sure the driver had seen me in his rear view mirrior as he drove off. My heart was beating mad fast. Thats when I knew I was in this graff game for real. Its also fun to come up with mad dope punch lines to give your stickers extra flavor such as "Real men play fantasy magic unicorns."
  4. One word - FANTASTIC!!! Nothing gets me more hyped than photos of blackbook sketches. I can almost feel the energy exploding off my screen from some of these fresh bombs. Sometimes I tack my blackbook to my bedroom wall and mob it with marker tags imagining that I'm rocking a freeway wall or train with some fresh bombs. Then I break out to the kitchen when 5-0 rolls by. Its pretty good real life training i guess.
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