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Posts posted by geezpot

  1. Tattoos are a permanent mark on your skin so when you grow out of the graffiti fad (like majority of writers do) you'll be reminded with a soupy mess of colors as a permanent reminder until you choose to get it lasered off or covered up.

    Street art normally doesn't transfer well on skin, it's an artform that is based on walls with bold colors.


    Sorry for the real talk but if you want to get a tattoo about writing then come up with something witty that is timeless so you don't regret it in 5 years. Graffiti lettering is on the same level as tribal tattoos.

  2. I suggest you track down a tattoo artist in your city and get them to draw it for you.


    Feel free to post in the TATTOO thread and ask if anyone knows of some good shops in your city.


    What kind of tattoo do you want?

  3. You do realize those percentages are probably inaccurate for both countries.

    USA has one of the biggest high school drop out rates of any other country and that percentage has increased every year. That rate doesn't include all the illegals living in the country which would also bring down the illiteracy percentage because they don't attend school.


    Wait, how did this turn into which country is stupider, the initial claim was Canada has more fags which is doesn't. USA has the biggest gay jew mafia and are extremely proud of it, your claim might have pissed off some homos. I suggest you sleep with your back against a wall for the next few weeks, they will find you.

  4. Considering how high an opinion most Canadians have of their country, I would think all of you eskimos would want to have a literacy rate that was higher than most developing African nations that still circumcise girls and think that sexing a virgin will cure the AIDS.


    Guys with bones through their noses can read better than almost half your country in multiple languages.



    Seriously where do you get your uneducated facts from?


    Canada is not all igloos and inbred illiterate eskimos.


    If you're trolling this into a Canada sucks thread then great job btw.


    Have you ever even been to Canada?

    You should travel to the westcoast, it's one of the nicest places in north america.

  5. this dude...someone mentioned him last page.


    killed 20 women for sure, mainly whores and junkies from vancitys lower east side.


    "Forensic analysis conducted by specialists was very slow and methodical. Evidence of his crimes was hard to nail down as it is alleged that Pickton fed his victims to his pigs. It is also been uncovered that Pickton may have combined human flesh with ground pork from his farm, and later given out to friends and visitors to the farm."


    dude admitted to an undercover that he had killed 49 women and wanted to make it an even 50.


    Pickton is some serious business.

    Dude killed people, ate people, and skinned people to wear the skin.


    He admitted to almost 50 killings but the rumour is upwards of 100+.


    I've actually partied at his Piggie Palace(after hours club run by Pickton) years before he got busted for the killings and it had a creepy vibe.

  6. I was wondering if somebody could help me, saw a guy rocking a black on black new era that had the NHL crest on it. looked sick. anybody know where i could snag one?


    Good luck, I've been looking for the black on black for so long now that I would settle for the orange and black logo just to get it.


    It seems like the NHL logo gear is impossible to find.

  7. I've found porn in the woods, stashed porn in the woods, and used porn in the woods.


    One creepy story comes to mind of a stash I found when I was 10ish. About 2 blocks away from my house there was an old abandoned house, all the kids thought it was haunted and it totally looked creepy from the outside. Well one day a bunch of us kids were staring at the house and we double dawg dared to go inside, so 4 of us went inside to investigate. What we found was a huge porn collection-blowup dolls, dildos, magazines, pocket pussies, strange latex things, etc. At the time I didn't know what porn was so my friends and me grabbed all the "cool stuff" we found and opted to bring it back to show my parents all this free shit. It wasn't until I wrote this post that I realized how strange it would've been to see a pack of 10 year olds dragging blow-up dolls down the street.

    Anyways, my parents weren't to keen on our new found treasures and my folks were disgusted that we grabbed all these sticky sex toys and decided to bring them back. I was never allowed to hang around the haunted porn house again and within a year it had been demolished. My parents didn't really explain what the stash was, I realized years later when I discovered masturbation what all those things were. I never knew who owned that mother load but often I would see some old chubby bald guy hanging around the house. If he is reading this, I'm sorry for taking your stash.

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