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Posts posted by geezpot

  1. Rich Franklin had his arm broken in that fight and was still throwing punches, guy has a lot of heart.


    I think Chuck has one more fight in him then it's time to retire.


    Bring on the Chuck vs Tito fight.

  2. I can't stand Jonah Hill.

    He plays the same cliche character in all his movies, it's getting tiresome.


    I will give this a try because Swamp has given it a thumbs up but if it sucks there will be consequences.

  3. The entire PPV was boring except for a few undercard fights.


    The problem is main card fighters are not trying to win, they are doing just enough not to lose.

    They all side on fighting cautious and it gets boring to watch, I recall three fights tonight where the crowd was booing.

  4. Some of them

    dudes look just like broads.



    Some of them look like hot broads.

    Look at this dude...



    If you were at a bar having a few wobblies and that^^^ chick was checking you out making flirty eye contact. You approach her and start hitting it off then decide to duck back to the bathrooms were s/he gives you some amazing head, then you invite him back to your room and s/he giggles asian style and says maybe tomorrow night. End of the night comes and you both part ways talking about hooking up the next night but never do, how would you ever know a dude sucked you off?


    /no homo



    Makes me think twice about ever having yellow fever again.

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