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Posts posted by geezpot

  1. I read this on the Rogan Board and was going to post it here but wanted to use the real source of the article, not the Rogan forum.


    Back on topic>

    Dude was only incarcerated for 2 years and saw a shitload of scary stuff.


    Also, I don't think I would fag out with another guy for a 2 year stint.

  2. Thanks test!!!

    I'm currently downloading The Joy of Anal Sex With A Goat.


    I'm hoping it will be better than The Joy of Anal Sex with a Jackalope.

    The jackalope's horns hurt too much.

  3. see, dudes in not being realistic, why dont you build a robot out of a BBQ grill while your at it, with matching nail guns for hands and a backpack flame thrower on his back.















    because you'd be using more than 3 items to build a robot.



    You keep thinking your hammer and garbage lid is the best choice. lol

    Honestly in the pitch black darkness you'll be swinging that hammer like your some retarded kid hitting a pinata.


    Keep trolling, you're obviously better at trolling than you are at surviving.

  4. this is all assuming there is no drainage at all throughout the entire home depot of course. and that the ground level of the store is completely flat. and assuming nobody managed to be more elevated than you by the time you managed to do all this shit with your eyes closed.


    Starts plopping dead bodies over the drains to clog it up or use your socks.


    Side though> the stank of having several bodies continuously being electrocuted would get gross after a while.

  5. -shovel

    -fllower pot




    This made me laugh.

    I pictured DAO and twonpoo trolling each other to death in the aisle.


    A laser pointer would be a good item to blind mothfuckas.

    I remember reading about a handheld laser cutting torch that was going to be for sale to the public soon. If Home Depot started selling laser guns that would take this game to a new level.




    pew pew

  6. aint you dead yet?



    Me standing under a deck umbrella thats on display isnt picking a weapon.


    And that flame thrower guy is not moving and his shit ran out in 4 seconds.




    get real.



    You still haven't killed me.

    You've just wasted pages trying to debunk the electricity theory only to tell us where you'll be hiding.

    Electricity was only one of my items and you still don't know where I am.


    You can't be serious that a hammer, magazine, and garbage lid is going to be your final items. Seriously? Your items are backyard bush league compared to what's going on.

    I predict you'll be in the top 3 that die.


    Close range weapons without some sort of long range weapon is useless.

    Your only chance is if the magazine is a DIY first aid book.

  7. boots i wore into Home Depot


    Never said umbrella


    Magazines is one item,

    garage lid

    ballpeen hammer.



    And Id obviously stand under something to not get wet. like an umbrella from the yard decorating dep.



    Yeah you never said anything about an umbrella ella ella.


    All your items are close range weapons.

    Someone with a torch would burn you down so fast.

    Let's see you hold that garbage can lid after it gets heated up from a torch, you'll easily last 5 minutes before it starts burning your hand unless you're holding the lid with a magazine. Maybe a pair of gloves is better.


    Or someone with some other long range weapons will take you out so fast.

  8. I already stole the mags and stuffed them in my waist to protect fromthe stabbins that get thru the METAL trash can lid.


    ALL the mags.



    Try again, you're only allowed 3 items.


    So far you've mentioned on your list:

    rubber soled boots



    garbage lid



    What happens when someone decides to create some toxic gases out of the numerous chemicals?


    You ever swing a hammer in complete darkness, not a very useful weapon unless you can see what you're hitting.


    What are your final 3 items?

  9. That Lowes clip was one sprinkler head and it made a pool about 2 inches deep, I'm talking about busting 20-30 and flooding the place with high voltage.


    Your rubber soled shoes are going to be good in the shallow spots or maybe climbing from rack to rack.


    I also still have a machete and will zone off areas to trap people in my water trenches and slice and dice them. The garbage can lid won't help when I chop at your legs in the pitch black dark.


    So you've said to combat my electricity you're going to use a lawn furniture umbrella and some shoes, that leaves you with one last item?

  10. yea, cuz im just gnn stand in pouring water. matter of fact, you just died from a low IQ.


    p.s. home depot ceilings are 45 feet high. no sprinkler is strong enough to have a waterfall of solid water all over.



    Here's a clip of a flooded floor from Lowes.


    Here's a clip of a parking garage


    You can see there is a constant flow of water going on.


    If you strategically busted off an entire section of sprinkler heads and quarantined people into a corner you could easily start chopping away or make the arena for everyone else smaller so they all kill each other.

  11. all this electric water talk is useless, 99% of shoes are rubber bottomed.






    The water is spraying from the sprinkler heads overhead and filling the floor-the room will be blasted with electricity from every direction.

    It'll force people to give up weapons to adapt to the electricity buzzing everywhere.

    People won't be carrying big metal weapons around.

  12. im not trying to flood the home depot

    just set up a trap by the bathrooms that , over time, would eventually get everyone.. it may take a full day or 2 of combat... but the odds of eventuality are in my favor



    I'm still siding with the electricity idea.

    Instead of using bathroom water/ or as I previously mentioned a hose from the home and garden department I would think about busting off a sprinkler head. If anyone has seen a sprinkler head bust off it fill up a place with water fast. Send a charge into that water and sit on top of the racks and watch the floor get buzzing. It would force people to climb the racks to get off the floor at which I would grab the wire from the water and send the electricity through the metal racks.




    Now that I don't need a hose I'll take a bag of check stand Doritos-cheeseburger flavor or cool ranch.


    My 3 > Wiring(to tap into the emergency exit signs), a machete (to chop the sprinkler heads off and close range fighting), and some Doritos.


    My battle name would be the "El Conductor".

  13. quick question for thread creator... do you have time to set up traps and shit? do you do like a toys r us spree where the event starts and you gotta get your shit, or do you decide ahead of time and you get dropped in with them?



    I'm assuming everyone goes in at the same time, then the exit door gets locked until one survivor is left.


    If you were stealthy you could probably set up traps but be careful of the guys with short range weapons just slaying people. You'd probably need some kind of close combat weapon just for defense while setting up traps.

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