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Everything posted by Stomah

  1. Haha, that aint no million dollar home, looks like a threee room apartment complex to me.
  2. Yes!! The Pink Passion Collab!! Bernia Mack has never looked so PIMP in his life.
  3. Attn: Philly! I took these off stickernation, new Philly head in town... seen any of his stuff? http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_27404227428.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_27403227448.jpg'> His name is nodivision
  4. Damn, you guys are just killin it over there with those nice full colored stickers. Keep it up!!!
  5. ive done a sticker like that with my own blood once too. dope post
  6. No, I got a bunch of yours left still, I just never get out enough anymore to put em up. But i'm trying. Eventually they will all be put up and flicked.
  7. I just put this one up on my way to get some breakfast from Sonic. mmmmmm......pancake on a stick..... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/SlowPokeBell.jpg'>
  8. Here are the only two stickers that I got up while I was in LA. The lack of stickering was a dissapointment, but overall the trip was pretty cool. I went out at night, and the damn fog was so thicl I couldnt see anything, and stickering in damp weater really doesnt work too well. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/Ving.jpg'> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/SlowPokeLaTrainStation.jpg'> And here is an older one I dont think I ever posted. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/SlowPOkeDoseAnelNervis.jpg'> I know i'm lacking on stickering, and I apologize.
  9. Christ, look at how bad those are... Old work is funny to look at it.
  10. close enough. post some more. i love your stuff.
  11. Finally. I love to see these characters put up in paint! We all need to hook up somewhere and paint a big ass wall someday. good work fantom
  12. I love Neckface and Creeper. Sorry to those who disagree.
  13. I'll get some soon, I swear. Today was my last day of school for a week or two, so hopefully I'll get a bunch up. And about the Graff/stickers. Don't give one up, work your ass off at both!!
  14. ^^ the free style and the collab with poopa are niiiice
  15. Yo, I got yours. Very nice pack. I didn't know you were gonna send so many. I usually just send what I can with one stamp. So sorry for shortin ya. We can set up another trade here soon, and I'll send ya a bunch. I'll have more freetime on my hands after this next week.
  16. More from the CCC lab taken from RWK.com again
  17. he may have a email address somewhere on here http://www.fotolog.net/elgatochimney
  18. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/ElToro.jpg'> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/SlowPokeBusSlash.jpg'> This is the only 9.11 propaganda I saw today. I thought for sure I would see more. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/911.jpg'>
  19. And maybe one day somebody will look at your post count and think you are some true graff head, and praise you for your amazingly high number of posts. Now please stop posting worthless bullshit in here unless you have PHOTOS OF STICKERS IN THE STREETS!!
  20. Some new shots off stickernation Featuring Cute Crimes Crew SlowPoke Bob Dirty Robots Kill http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2755822315.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_27556223127.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_27557223120.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_27552223120.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_27561128118.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_27564128154.jpg'>
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