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Everything posted by Stomah

  1. Here are some from Stickernation http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_238528333.jpg'> ^^photo by Rep1 http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2384198424.jpg'> ^^ Speaking of The awsome LudMasSon http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2298993412.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2299793419.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2299693418.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2299593419.jpg'> ^^Fotos by Foob
  2. http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/SlowPokeTrainSign.jpg'> ^^ over one of my old ones that washed away. http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/CuteCrimesPartyHeart.jpg'> http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/MondaySilk.jpg'> ^^ I didn't realize until the next day that I went over Silk's tag a little bit, but hopefully he won't mind. http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/SlowPokeSarasWall.jpg'> ^^ and to end it, here is a little something I left on a wall at my friends house. There was a keg involved, and sombody started writing on the walls with a pencil, so you know I couldn't pass up a opportunity to do a drunken halfassed SlowPoke. Sorry for the lack of better fotos.
  3. http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/898058ee.jpg'> http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/SlowPokeLightRail.jpg'> ^^ first sticker in the brand new Minnesota Light Rail system http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/SlowPokeKittyKitty.jpg'> http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/SlowPokeHope4.jpg'> ^^SlowPoke next to Hope4, my graffiti hero http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/RedSticker.jpg'>
  4. well. i am finally back from my trip home to minnesota and it was awsome. There wasn't as much stickering as i would have hoped, because of the many rainedout days we had, But I got some work up. Apologies to Torro and Fantom, cause I put some good stuff up, yet did not have enough time to go back and get a good flick of it. http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/UnknownSticker.jpg'> http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/BirdHouse.jpg'> http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/SlowPokeUptown.jpg'> http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/SlowPokePost.jpg'> http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/SlowPokeOld.jpg'> ^^ Old one still hanging on from the winter.
  5. I think DBD summed the 20deep issue up very nicely. I would just like to add that in my opinion, 20deep was never supposed to be just a character crew. If you do graffiti, and use stickers as a medium, then that's dope. I love catching stickers by graffiti artists. you don't have to come up with some poorly drawn character that you threw together so you can "join" 20deep. I don't think anybody ever stated that this was for characters only, but sometimes it seems like thats the idea that people get. Also, this isn't the twenty deep thread. If you want to be a part of the trades, please don't post a picture of your stickers on your computer desk. Go put a bunch of stickers up in the streets. Take photos. There is a sticker thread for the computercam shots, but this is for just streets shots. If you want to get a hold of one of use, we have link and email and many ways of doing so. keep on keepin on foolios.
  6. Photo from www.visualnarcotics.net http://www.visualnarcotics.net/images/sw_nyc003.jpg'>
  7. http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_21771179631.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_21761179613.jpg'> Fotos by Lenz
  8. Thanks for the UPS dbd. Great work over in NYC. I'm still jealous that I couldn't go. Perro's Handstyle is too nice. Great work guys! Here are two Photos from NYC that Lenz sent over my way http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/newfukingyork051.jpg'> http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/newfukingyork029.jpg'>
  9. Re: please Wow. Good to know now. Thanks Pickle, you are the man.
  10. a couple new one off of sticker nation http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_21658148128.jpg'> ^Spain^ http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_21625116052.jpg'>
  11. Really? I'd rather have like 10 stickers up that i put work into, instead of 100 that i just scribbled shit on. But yea. do yous thing, and we can't make ya stop putting stickers on cars, we are just trying to let you know it's a dumb idea. Graffiti is usually supposed to be against "the system" not the guy down the block.
  12. Try to put a little more time and effort into those characters man. Nice spots tho.
  13. ORBIT - Great photos. Keep developing your styles.
  14. I wish I could have gone so bad. Or at least have gotten the packs to you guys sooner, so I could have got some ups in Ny for the show. Check www.friendsofsound.com/hollywood for more wooster show flicks. Maybe you can spot yourselevs in a few.
  15. Yea. tehy are busy guys over there. Gotta a lot on thier plate. So if you havnt gotten anything after a month or two, send them a nother polite email, and also say you'll trade with them. cause that is usually better then just begging for stickers. I'm bored
  16. FF They give stickers out for free on thier website, you just have to go there, and send them an email with your address and shit. It takes a while to get to ya, but they are worth it. I dont have the link, cause i'm at work, but i know it is on woostercollective.
  17. Yo Torro. Is that your pimped out ride on the left? http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00441773f00000002.jpg'>
  18. Here are some photos from my two day vacation to Flagstaff and surrounding areas. Not all are stickers, but we need the photo action in here. http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/SlowPokeFlagstaff.jpg'> http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/NVflagstaff.jpg'> http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/RobotsWillKillSedona.jpg'> http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/BobKungFu.jpg'> http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/NixonTorro.jpg'> http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/SlowPokeJamifySedona.jpg'> http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/SlowPokeSunset.jpg'> http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/SlowJamifyVacation.jpg'> http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/JamifyKyloShadows.jpg'> *Jamify, modeling a cool pair of Aeropostale jean shorts, admirs the fresh SlowPoke artwork placed in the warm Arizona Natural Habitats
  19. IceCOldPop Those 2 paintings are wonderful. Great work.
  20. haha http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2102419041.jpg'> ^^ photo by Cabbage Rabbit
  21. http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_21035179649.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_21032179631.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2102917966.jpg'> Photos by Lenz^^
  22. 20DEEP packs should be going out into the mail sometime this week. I just spent a hour or two dividing them all up.
  23. "also, who does the pixelated soldiers?" Jet - Pac www.fotolog.net/jpac
  24. ^^ get some good photos of the wooster show for us all I wish I could go, it would be so awsome to meet everybody.
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