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Everything posted by Stomah

  1. I just got a pack from Homer today, and he hooked me up with one of those Philly Collabs.!!
  2. Here are just a few I got up yesterday http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/Birdhouse.jpg'> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/SlowPokeTempe2.jpg'> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/MfToro.jpg'>
  3. Nice. that is one of the few porn stickers I have seen put up!
  4. Holy hell of a nice post! thanks for all the UPS
  5. You guys rule. those were some real nice flicks. Frost, you should have a package at your door in a few days with a bunch of new stickers, and a canvas, so I can get up in some of these dope combos. The Philly Collab sticker looked real nice. I want one!
  6. More of Cute Crimes photos that I stole from RobotsWillKill.com. Sorry RWK. haha http://www.robotswillkill.com/graffiti/09012004222115slimesilverBBbluebobccc.jpg'> http://www.robotswillkill.com/graffiti/09012004222238slimeslowpokebob.jpg'> http://www.robotswillkill.com/graffiti/09012004222309slimepinkmetalmcad.jpg'> http://www.robotswillkill.com/graffiti/09012004222443slimeblueyellowcccrwk.jpg'> http://www.robotswillkill.com/graffiti/09012004222656bracesslowpokelrg.jpg'>
  7. SG those rjd2 stencils are fresh!
  8. nice work on the wheat pastes. I love the toro thats all beat up, and those fireds are always hot.
  9. http://www.robotswillkill.com/graffiti/08262004144343robotswillkillstickers.jpg'> The homies, in Minnesota i beleive. Stolen from RWK
  10. I don't know how many times I'll have to say it before it actually happens, but god damn I want to take a trip to Philly. You guys should hook me up on the wheat paste tip, if I throw some designs together. Haha
  11. I really don't know. I think it jsut came from one of my doodles that I liked and i kept doing it. When he was created, it looked a lot differnt.
  12. Cute Crimes Crew reppin Bob and I in my hometown of Minneapolis http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2803422314.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_28023223118.jpg'>
  13. I took a short roadtrip today, and left some stickers up everywhere I visited. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/SlowPokeReststopTrash.jpg'> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/SlowSlowPoke.jpg'> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/Slow3m.jpg'> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/SlowCactusPaper.jpg'> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/28thAve.jpg'> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/SlowTucson.jpg'> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/SlowPokeBob3m.jpg'> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/SlowPokePoppa5003Perro.jpg'> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/SlowPokeArizonaBird.jpg'> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/5003Sheep.jpg'>
  14. A coupld more picked out of stickernation. http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2744998436.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2745498426.jpg'> ^ New York http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_27486190455.jpg'> St. Louis^ http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2755398227.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2754998245.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_275449826.jpg'> Italy^^
  15. http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_274189828.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2741398232.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_274109822.jpg'> Photos by Ezba in Italy
  16. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/HeadAcheCanvas.jpg'> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/PhotoCavas.jpg'> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/TreeLeafCanvas.jpg'> Ehhh...
  17. 5003 i got your stickers, and they were awsome!
  18. Evolve. Nice posts, even tho the photos didn't turn out like ya wanted. I should be getting stickers from Cum soon......I can't wait!!
  19. DBD Hey. i couldn't find your email address. So if you could email me when you get this, it would be awsome. Thanks!
  20. manowar Please post mjore. those are awsome. I'm really diggin em.
  21. yea. Nice work you two. Looks like it was a fun mission.
  22. just two shots from tonight. I added a few new guys to an old sign. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/SlowPoke18.jpg'> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/TbirdCombo.jpg'>
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