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Everything posted by lepthebeard

  1. ...nice lineup...that thoroughbread, don't drink and spell...
  2. ...i hate when they install those damn vents and reflectors...errr
  3. ...i hear your sorrows brah...just gotta get your stelth jacket on...
  4. ...i love this cats whole car photos!...
  5. ...go fetch me some scallops... no really, i love them scallops, nice try but you must have more photos
  6. ...RIP Wesley Willis...Fuck this cat...
  7. ...did someone say 'big post'?...
  8. ...i was about to punch you in the teeth until the first photo came up... ...great post, nice isto...
  9. ...whatever dude, canada is the best place in the world, and not just because of our lenient court system... ...we have free equal health care and grow the best weed in the world, shall i go on?... BLAME CANADA
  10. ...that was my first post under channel zero, and it was a lie (sorry but thought it would be funny)...they can't fire 'the bossman!'...but so true, the ounce is always here for me while getting paid!...
  11. ...that was a fun ride... ....looks like ya found one of the rogue layups due to the CN strike!!!!!!!....bastard
  12. ...crack heads gone wild... ...helloween 2000 WCB...
  13. ...i was excited about the strike, but not any more...no rogue outlaws for me YET...terribly slow movement but i'm going for a long drive this week to stalk...
  14. ...too many good ones!... ...painting the open door- that has to be the funniest toy move i've seen...
  15. ...i have a hunch that all those CPs (and QGRYs in general) are heading for the buff...
  16. ...^co-signed!... ...nice idea, i'm gonna put my email address on my next panel...
  17. ...dope as per, coset got the nasty, 'sup afex...
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