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Everything posted by smokejuda

  1. i dont know how many that makes but that one should stop now....
  2. didnt want this to go unnoticed
  3. overall the movie was pretty good.. theending played out kinda wierd but shit.... like i said before it was so much better then the grafiti writer
  4. i take it nobody has seen the movie" the graffiti writer" comparitivly bomb the sstem is a good flick... i only watched about half so far but shit go see the other joint and then tell us all how bad bts is...
  5. dont talk about it be about it.....
  6. drop me a buck or three and ill make a fun sign for you to read
  7. simpsons road rage it wwasnt half bad.... shit is reall funny
  8. this si pretty awsome.. i cant work these kinds of jobs becuase i enjoy the company of 15/16 yr old girls to much. i swear state says so.
  9. this dude prolly makes bank now i mean shit people are gonnastart searchin him out just to give him cchnage.. what a sweet deal.
  10. yeah thats pepa alright.. and check out balky in the background you all remember balky from "perfect strangers" right
  11. some faggot wrote rasist shit alll over the place... for some reason that stetment makes me laugh
  12. that flick makes it a bullshti post
  13. those kaf outlines are cool
  14. cune gots white out tags at 15th st cuz one of the maps got ripped off the wall and there is like 2 or 3 old os whiteout jawns... hot shit
  15. after a few years of drinken 3 forties a night and smokin madd blunts on the regular.... high school sucked..
  16. that sloe jawn is dope well the whole wall is and lqdeezy back in action werd to ya mova!
  17. i dont think he is the same kid from the man show.. and i hope to god he isnt 29 that would be a real big shame... and andy dick come on now hes a mo either way you want it moron or homo he just isnt that funny. but as long as this kid is realy a kid and not in his late 20's he will stay funny...
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