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Everything posted by Pinup

  1. That's pretty funny Bob. It reminds me of something that people had done in my sister's uni. They had organized a "hits squad", and you would pay these guys to get all dressed up ninja like, armed with pies, to assault a person of your choice on the campus. I always thought the idea was great, imagining some random kid get back from class and all of these ninjas jumping out of the bushes, splattering him with cream and running off. :lol: I'm off on holiday in 2 days, in Burgundy. Chilling by the pool and painting, getting drunk, eating righteous french countryside food. Looking forward to it.
  2. Hahahahahaha... Everyone's drawn me either with a flag somewhere, or wearing stripes ! I tried to do a few last night but gave'em all up. Slave_one can testify.
  3. Nekro - Let's see some of this ego polished graffiti of yours.
  4. alure. http://www.parispainterz.com/personnel/alure.jpg'>
  5. Milton, that thing will go out of control. Ganted it gets around, within 2 days you'll get shit like yO MiLts!!!!!!11!!1! i wUz wund3riN h0w 2 gte moer bRaWdz !!!! i wnat to fukEm in teh ass LOLlTHE REAL HIP HOP NIGG4 !!!1!!!!1!11!1
  6. Cheese gets stuck in my wisdom teeth wholes at the moment. Pinup/Hamstered oot.
  7. Just tried to cram in references. Some are easy. Some are probably references to me only. http://www.parispainterz.com/personnel/combo.jpg'>
  8. Gee, thinks for the post-mistake words of wisdom. Real helpful ;). And its been my third meal of gazpacho in 2 days. I think i'm just about, juuuuuust abouuut getting bored with it.
  9. http://www.infomotions.com/alex/arscience/solve-for-d-small.gif'>
  10. Penguins rock. But ever since i've turned into a hamster, i need to have a little pride. I just ate a hotdog and all of the bread has lodged into my bloody (in both meanings) ex wisdom teeth cavities. Nice, eh ?
  11. http://students.washington.edu/jamiekim/hamsters/babies.jpg'>
  12. Can't blame me for trying :o And some monkeys are awesome, i'll admit. Chimps and other little fuzzy cuddly things. On the other hand, some monkeys look like mud. What about BABOONS ? ..Can't tell me they're cute.
  13. No no... they're cringing. I tell you, they look like rednecks on rocking chairs. Hamsters are totally the new thing :)
  14. They look a bit too judgemental for my liking.
  15. i can be the penguin standing on iquit's roof. in the rain i got +5 bonus on lvl.8 forestry power. yeah yeah goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  16. Lindsay Lohan has a frighteningly big head :(
  17. I'm back. I've been, like, omg, like sooooooo like totally partying like alll teh tiem !! I've done some more rapping in various languages. This german guy totally burned my ass. I also rapped in CHINESE! But i only know five words... so it sounded like : "Yo yo ! Turnip paste turnip paste hello thanks it's good to drink...YO! It's good to drink thank you hello, hello thanks turnip paste, I am not french I am not french thanks good to drink turnip paste hello..." What's been happening ?
  18. Spot on. Du bist eine dicke fätte Bratwurst auf zwei Beinen.
  19. ^hehe... Möchtest du mit mir Kartoffelsalat essen ?
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