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  1. someone from barcelona because im moving there in 10 days
  2. zack lee that's right on st-laurent a little down sherbrooke street in the parkage
  3. nice post. fuck i love the whole "bombing inside school" thing keep it up coming
  4. hehe..well i dont know about the u.s westcoast but i sure know about canada :p
  5. ^ actually not THAT easy but.. at least you dont get killed by other tramps like on the us westcoast..
  6. same story happened to me, but it was engineers that found me in the slave engine, they said since sept 11 they would loose their job to let someone ride the slave engine..whatever i took the next one. kabar about that military can opener. a good knife and your foot can do the job too hehe.
  7. kabar, i was wondering if you have any new ideas to what eat on the rails.. last time i was getting pretty sick of tuna cans and bread with nuts and dry raisins after 4 days..
  8. i met that guy last year at underpressure..pretty cool dude, he's definatly reping hard on the eastcoast. word up
  9. Re: Monikers this is funny, I thought the hells Angels gang started in my neighborhood . I never thought they would be in texas or something I was wondering..do you know if Dufy Littlejohn's book has been translated in french.
  10. haha nice! thanks for all the infos. now back to my reading im at page 4 hehe
  11. I started reading your post last night and im only at the half of page 2 but its really interesting. I have 2 questions though: You said its not respectful so shit in a boxcar but what if your on a long trip, the train is going fast and you really have to shit? My second question is do you build a small shelter with trees for when it rains or you just dont care about getting wet all night long, or for a week long?
  12. ghostvandal

    Yard Safety

    Last summer I went to the CN day which was in one of the biggest yard in my city. We could visit all the area (like where they buff trains), and i had the chance to try this remote control...driving an engine Damn it was fun!!!
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