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Everything posted by AORAone

  1. i too am a die hard night owl. but still no status, meh. when told me you just gotta make your self seen to other night owls and maybe youll get an offer. but hey, theres not too many of them on at night anymore, so...good luck.
  2. im seeing a slight increase in the number of night owls returning to the forums. this is good, now i have heads to talk too, it gets quite boring here at night. welcome back
  3. yeah all them busted ass bitches, no comedy and his white bashing jokes arent even funny. very dissapointed white boy here
  4. its can sometime be bad to have too many connections. it restricts you from beating some ass. the above statement has happened to me before....
  5. an adventure:lol: :lol: yeah we buy that ish in the cases at sams club. we got like a case of every flavor. so quick....so easy...who can resist? like cheap whores.....
  6. ever see SLC PUNK? movies quick. shit dude called heroin bob is a straight arrow never takes any drugs or pills, just drinks. one night, mother fucker was drinkin and someone gave him some asprin or some shit and he died.*sob* yeah but i dont take pills either and iv never ever done any drugs, cept alcohol. anyways if you havent seen that movies i recomend it. its pretty good.
  7. you know "when" and all these other heads in here a hang over is just dehydration, if you drink a bit of water before you pass out or turn out the lights you will never get a hang over. least thats what i heard and its worked from my drinken startin at day one.
  8. somebody consider banning retard.
  9. stay simple. other wise its ok considering how long uv been writing
  10. it looks like it was writin on the cover of a piece book
  11. AORAone


    um hey pain that one u did up theres awsome as hell. i like the hand style.
  12. i like it the first one is my fav.
  13. hey hecz, i can send you some stickies if ya like. there not as hot as some of these cats but i can send some out your way. hit up my email if your interested. Sk8erstud1@aol.com
  14. yea quail, even if he wasnt talkin bout you u should post some more. its so strange its appealing. The sticky with "chataquail" and the purple,green,red stripes on it reminds me of the beetles yellow submarine....its simple, but its cool as hell
  15. yea well its not my piece , and yes hes quite retarded i guess.
  16. workin on mine right now. be there maybe tommorow or l8 today.
  17. http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00316717f00000001.jpg'> http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00316717f00000002.jpg'> http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00316717f00000003.jpg'> the last one on there is the cover i thought id share it with you people cuz i think its cool as hell. the first pic is from tmk-dork and the second is by tbs-sev. i dont have time right now to post mine or ders pics but ill try later today.hope this works.
  18. :sick:yeah i got sick of stikies too, i got a stack of finished ones that need to be thrown but i have to get up off my lazy ass....one of these days
  19. AORAone


    damn GOT i hate you.....you "got" mad skills pardon the pun. guess i need to keep practicin ish:king:
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