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Everything posted by AORAone

  1. later heads. this kats creepin over to a block party.haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
  2. arcel's been representn it for a few hours now. you ok buddy? you havent hit me back for like 10 minutes. did ya pass out?
  3. oooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......... jager! its fun to drink jager! its really cheap jager! jager! JAGER! jager! it tastes great jager! its never too late for jager! appreciate jager! bitches, dont hate..... too drunk to think of anymore.....
  4. bump. im with ya on that one arcel.pfffffffffffft
  5. what's creepin owls? any body drunk yet? i gotta work and shit:o so i wont be on. meh. i hate this job, i could quit cause i got two other jobs but eh, i love money so yeah, see you kats later.
  6. bump. just hit me up or ill be around sometimes. lookin forward to seein it. havent seen any interesting footage of the graff scene for a while. later heads. gotta work at 6
  7. good deal hit me up via email when the shits finished. will it be sold or handed out? whatever, im willing to pay. meh.
  8. yea az 623. nope dont know bigO personally but i seen him around the forum. didnt know he was in the desert out here.
  9. yeah but it's not like thats my goal either. i can live without being a night owl. so meh. its cool. later headz im off myself. stay up arcel and awake.
  10. when and where is that interview droppin? televised or just a small documentary?
  11. i know what you mean. thats cool. my friend was at warped tour, and thats like a central for all those vegan,(vegitarians) new straight edge type guys who think its cool not to drink, smoke and eat meat, and this band named.......... i think it was less than jake came on and said something like" all you vegan straight edge kids are pathetic, i like to kick back, smoke a blunt and drink a beer after our shows? whats wrong with that? and you know what? after i finish this song ima go have a hamburger" it was fuckin great he said there where only like 5 people left standing there to see them.:lol: :lol: :lol:
  12. so your right i havent been here that long on this name. my other name got erased back when a whole lotta people lost there status's and names. that was a while ago tho. i didnt really post at all on my other name i would just read shit and look at fliks but iv been around for like 2 years or so. meh. oh well. ima fukin new jack.
  13. ragsoe, nah not an owl officially. but you could enlighten me if you like. i think this is the first time in a while ive seen you on here without usin alures name. so anyways, what rule.
  14. im off to sleep heads. see you kats later.
  15. daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn shits fresh. this kid i know, weighs like a buck 10 had a bike and he crashed on the freeway. kid was fubar for months. he said his teacher for the motorcycle school he went to to get his license or some shit had a super bike and some retard kids in an f-150 were tailin him hardcore, so when he stopped at he light he fuckin revd his shit or some thin and melted the grill on there truck. this story would make more sense if !: i wasnt drunk and2: i knew more bout motorcycles
  16. when i was ten, before i learned how to stand on a skate board, i had one knee on it and was pushin off with my left leg.......fuckin hit a car and split my head open. shit was nutts. that was the 3rd outta 6 time i busted open my cranium.
  17. ok try this. sit backwards on the handle bars and peddle....drunk. r.i.p. arcel <---you after attempting this. my buddy did this, needless to say hes not a sponsered rider no mo.
  18. whoa whoa whoa WHOA! do not say fuck krie. EVER!. j/k. nah but seriously krie's a cool kat. sometimes he just gets in his sloppy drunk mode. then gets violent like the bum down the street, right krie? so yeah, whatever. ima finish this last droplet o jager. and be a sloppy drunk..............cheers krie, to sloppy drunkism
  19. half the headz in here are not official night owls any ways. like me. so yeah welcome aboard the thread. until krie gets angry again and starts puttin up that flik telling non night owls to leave. now theres onemore of us to ignore it.:lol: :lol: :lol:
  20. what up owls? ima chillan. anybody drinkin? im so glad jager is so cheap. or id never be drunk. anyways, i read a coment a couple pages back about being sick of the "ola". oh well. since you communists banned tease for no legible reason at all i figured id rep for him every now and again. im not making it a habit by putting it after every word or even in every post. so who cares. anywho, what up when?
  21. ok then. still no owls. see all you headz later. time to go to sleepola
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