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Everything posted by shai

  1. Re: Travel Log - 2011 - USA Cool...maybe we can do a collaborative piece at my house. "At" meaning "on" my house. I'd much rather have that than a painting. Uhhh....you might be a little disappointed if you're expecting flip-flop and t-shirt weather. December can be kind of hectic here, but not unbearable. I'd recommend a stop at Black Bear Ranch if it were earlier in the year...by now they're probably snowed in, but they're sort of like our sister community up north and all about sustainable living/DIY/hunting type things.
  2. It's tied to the login error....the server seems to be logging people out as far as posting privileges go, but it doesn't do the math and take them off the counter. That was how it was explained to me.
  3. LinuxMint is a really good alternative to Ubuntu...I don't know what kind of wifi card you're dealing with but I've never had networking problems with Mint. Also, nowadays wireless keyboards are usually Bluetooth so as long as you have a Bluetooth stack installed it should work. Another thing you should try is formatting the HD. It's easier to install Windows then Linux, not so much the other way around.
  4. Did you burn it as an ISO? Or try the install disc in a different machine? Does the optical drive in the new machine have boot permission (sometimes the BIOS requires this)?
  5. Re: Travel Log - 2011 - USA If and when you make it to the Bay maybe we can work out a trade. I prefer smaller paintings because I don't have a whole lot of space. I'd write you but I'm horrible at that kind of stuff....tell you what, if I find a postcard I'll take that as a sign and mail it to you.
  6. shai


    I went on kind of a toot there for a minute but I'm done for now. My depression/anxiety hasn't been bothering me...I've been busy lately, meeting awesome people and doing awesome things...I think that keeps me on an even keel more than anything else.
  7. Re: Travel Log - 2011 - USA If you make it to the Bay you still got a spot here. Either way, keep it moving.
  8. Is there a device nearby broadcasting an ad hoc network? Try isolating it by turning off anything that might be broadcasting a wireless signal. Failing that, maybe your iPhone is a witch...try throwing it in the nearest river and see if it floats. If it does, it's in league with the devil and you have to burn it at the stake. Silba, try Mint and/or get a USB wifi card. Much cheaper and less gay (and yes, this was posted on a Mac).
  9. Re: Travel Log - 2011 - USA If the weather holds I'd head west on the high line then maybe hitch to San Diego and wait it out there. Riding the low line is risky but doable as long as you're okay with possibly getting arrested by ICE.
  10. Re: Travel Log - 2011 - USA Uh....wrong time of year to start riding trains (unless you're in Mexico).
  11. shai


    We're having a sober punk show at my house tonight....it wasn't my idea, but I pushed hard for it. Let's see how that goes.
  12. shai


    Last night was so retarded...my friend ran into his ex at the bar around 1 am. The ex is now dating a biker. My friend buys a double margarita plus shots and beers for us and says "Shit might get real" or something like that. Proceeds to talk shit to her. I'm thinking I'm gonna get my ass kicked for trying to prevent him from getting stomped out. Finally got him away from the bar, he starts calling her and screaming at her on his cell repeatedly and disappearing on me and my other friend. We walk back to the neighborhood catching tags on everything and crash a party at our neighbor's house. After that, wind up drinking beers in the car till 5 am. I'm only doing this because my good friends are in town...they live on a mountain and don't get to party like this much, so I'm being the good sport. Up till last night it had been smooth sailing but overall I'm just trying to have fun and take it in stride.
  13. shai


    I used to pack my sinuses with all kinds of weird crap, and the only thing that ever happened was my septum piercing getting infected after doing a batch of bad speed. Now that I think back it was pretty fucking bad. Snorting drugs is dumb.
  14. It's been a while but yeah, I remember now. Too bad no one gave me the fucking root password though, can't edit RO files.
  15. It might be the adapter, but Ubuntu is generally on top of things like that. I use Mint and haven't had any wifi issues. skull, I don't know. I only use open source stuff...look for something comparable to vuescan (whatever that is). So now that I've answered a question, I need to ask one- How do I block or redirect specific URLs (namely Youtube) on a public Linux box? I've been helping out with the computers at an infoshop, and certain people don't understand that the computers are there to check email and not for entertainment purposes. Oh, and I also need to know how to bypass this. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with adding the IP you want to block to the hostlist then redirecting it to loopback or something like Meatspin. Thanks!
  16. Re: Travel Log - 2011 - USA Either one is a potential hassle, it's the combo that will fuck you (at least in CA). Centralia is fucking crazy. I used to go to ghost towns with my parents looking for antiques when I was a kid, and it varies...some are interesting and well worth going out of your way for (Bodie, CA) and then there's others that just look like a pile of lumber in the middle of nowhere. Oh, and there's lots of weird shit out near the Salton Sea (NE of San Diego).
  17. shai


  18. Re: Travel Log - 2011 - USA Corrected for accuracy (we like tourists here)- Since you don't strike me as that type of guy you'll probably be okay...one thing you should keep in mind if you're heading down the coast is that it's trim season in Mendocino and Humboldt and the CHP tends to get a little rambunctious this time of year. In other words- carrying weed can be a bad move if you don't have a card.
  19. shai


    I'm almost 38 and believe me, I've tried EVERYTHING. It's been this way for as long as I can remember...focus has never come easy. At the same time I'm one of those people who thinks that I should be feeling what I'm feeling. And for me, 99.9% of the time drinking and getting high are only moderating factors, they don't blank everything out.
  20. shai


    Except for the pot (which makes me paranoid) you just described where I'm at to a T. I've always been somewhat stressed to some degree...even when things are going well I'm usually just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Party drugs are a waste of time, I get none of the good effects and more often than not wind up feeling shitty after partaking in them. About the only thing that works for me are heavy-duty opiates, but that invariably leads nowhere besides me deciding that after a few months being strung out sucks. I wish I was one of those people who can turn off their brains at will. At any given time I've got a million things racing through my mind...and it's not all bad stuff, it's the volume that overwhelms me. For me drinking makes being social a good deal easier, the catch being that it doesn't end there. I'm getting better at managing it but it's not really a solution I feel comfortable with.
  21. shai


    So I spent the past couple days in SF catching up with friends, and found out that half of my friends are dealing with varying degrees of anxiety too. Problem is, I don't know how I feel about this. I definitely don't have the same lifestyle as a lot of my friends, I'm fairly moderate when it comes to partying as of late (they either drink a lot or not at all) and several of them are on medication to deal with it, which is a point I haven't come to yet and hopefully won't have to. I should add that I wasn't looking for answers so much as a little validation. I feel like I'm not talking about my issues with drinking enough in this thread but for me my mental state and getting fucked up are pretty closely linked. I'm sure some of you can identify with that.
  22. shai


    I had a really weird experience this past weekend...on Sunday I got super sick (throwing up, turning green, shakes, all that) off of two beers and a shot but ONLY after I was thrust into a somewhat uncomfortable/stressful situation. This was compounded by the fact that I had two appointments the next day that I couldn't miss and I was barely able to walk...fortunately I woke up on time and relatively well enough and made them but it was a close call. I don't know. If that's the way things are going to be vis a vis drinking then I'm just not going to be able to do it until I can manage whatever else is bothering me. Plus I've got a friend/housemate who is trying to drown his problems in booze and watching him do it is somewhere between positive reinforcement (to not drink) and heartbreaking. So. Double not fun. But that's life.
  23. shai


    Mark Twain said it best...."Lies, damn lies and statistics." Also, what exactly defines "sobriety" is very subjective. Almost every recovering alcoholic I know smokes weed, so if that's all they do and they can manage it well more power to them. But if you're a stickler for details, they aren't sober.
  24. shai


    I think you're on the right track but that's strictly my opinion based on how I feel. I definitely think some people shouldn't drink or do drugs because it just doesn't work out for them, but it's on them to come to that conclusion...recently I was telling a friend who has some pretty serious substance abuse issues that help is out there and I'd support them if they took that route but that they were going to have to come around to where they decided that was the solution. There's that one episode of the Simpsons where Barney quits drinking and at the end he's pounding extra-large mochas from Starbucks. I laughed at that because it was totally spot on. I moved to get away from heroin one time. It worked...sort of. I went where I thought it wasn't readily available, and it's not, but eventually it found me and I dabbled till I realized it wasn't going to turn out any different than any other time I got caught up in that mess.
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