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Everything posted by shai

  1. I'll PM a few of my mixes to you, but you should know in advance that some of the ingredients are going to be hard to find anywhere...I might have a site to sell that kind of ish on soon, if I get a couple of lucky breaks.
  2. And, yes, I already use fountain pens and rapidographs, but I've heard some good things about these.
  3. Refillable black book markers. Or, the luxusliner...I go through a lot of pens, and it would be nice to try these out, see if they last. If so, then I think it's a great idea. Also I'm going to distribute pens and ink in the near future online, and I wanted to try these out. I'm still waiting for my wholesaler's authorization for OTR, though.
  4. I checked these guys before...this is the first time they've had them in stock in months. Thanks for the tip...do you know where to get the blackbook pens or HTB ink, though? Same deal- everyone seems to be out of them whenever I try to buy them.
  5. ^Hold on, I'll check that out right now.
  6. Yeah, no one ever seems to have them in stock, and I have searched far and wide for them. I can get almost any other pen, however...so, if anybody has or knows about a stash of any of the OTR blackpens/ink and want to trade for some hot shit, I'm ready.
  7. Nobody calls me "white boy"....to my face, anyway. Some loc'ed-out ex-con called me "wood" at a liquor store in West Oakland a few years ago...the funny thing was that he was white, too. That must have been some good shit...smoke it, you turn black, call skinny white boys "wood'...He dropped a chain on me, in front of a cop, and promptly got arrested and sent back to spend more time with his fellow "woods." I just went home and drank my wine, and felt lucky to avoid a random asskicking over reverse racism. I'm in the process of finally putting all my music (about 400 cds, a few hundred cassettes, and 100 albums) onto La Machine here....and watching the memory disappear like Jimmy Hoffa. I found a really cool app called Polderbits that is an A/D converter that also cleans up the signal before it compresses it to MP3. It's a no brainer, and I get to listen to all my old tapes and records since it records in real time. I'll need a bigger hard drive, soon...one that can handle plenty of girth, naturally.
  8. I think that there was an earthquake five minutes ago, or someone tipped over their fridge in the apartment next door. If you have a window with a street view in the TL, you have non-stop entertainment, believe me. Beats TV cold. The street I live on in Oakland used to be crackin' (literally), but it's chill now...I lived in SF for a year and hated it...I liked the convenience, but the East Bay is the only place I've ever felt at home, and SF is too much for me to live with...and I'm a native, too. Frank Herbert was certainly the man...did you check out the Sci-Fi channel's update of the movie? It made a lot more sense to me than the first movie did...I think "Dune" is a beautifully made film, but it was hardly true to the original story, I thought. You're at the Culinary Academy, right? I used to work in the Civic Center, and my friend worked in the mail room at the academy...he got canned over some dumb ish, I don't know what. A LOT of girls at the academy, as I recall...I've talked to a few of them, they seemed cool enough...It seems like if you've got any kind of game, you could G off like a champ without trying too hard...but that can play hell with getting your school on, too. Pimpin' ain't easy...
  9. Oh, I was talking about oil-based stuff...but, maybe I can find some oil-based opacifiers. It's not a big deal to me, but someone here will get some mileage out of them. If I find them, I'll put them here. Most of my fine art is done with Liquitex acrylics and mediums. Also, I use Winsor and Newton gouache and the cheapest gesso I can get...all my blackwork is either Golden Carbon Black Fluid acrylic, or Pelikan black india ink with Speedball pens...I like Robert Simmons sable brushes, too, especially the signpainter set. What do you like to use for fine art?
  10. Wait a minute...if he's a weirdo, then he might like that action, and then he'll be humping your leg for more "fat chicks fucking" dvds all the time. I won't even ask why you have that ish anyway...I guess it would be a good way to break up a party, or a housewarming gift they'd never forget...or forgive.
  11. I just have bad luck with pens and paint not working well together. I guess I should note that as an opinion...I'll go edit it after this. It is a pretty good rule of thumb, though, if you don't have much experience with refilling pens. I've been mixing paint forever, and I'm lucky if I get it right a third of the time...and seeing as how I have worked in a paint store, I should have it down, but I don't...and I'm pretty methodical, to the point of taking notes on ratios and mixes. What's funny, is that I really like the royal blue woodcrafts a lot...I usually use up the blue stuff in them, and then wash them out and refill them with ink. What's your trick to getting your mix to flow and still be opaque? I always seem to add too much solvent, or not enough. And, I try to match the solvent to the paint, too...I'm fine with using ink, but I'm curious now.
  12. Whew...took too much allergy medicine when I was cleaning the house earlier. Work will be fun today! So, today I found this headboard on the sidewalk near my house. I carried it home, and noticed that it had a bunch of shit scribed into it...like, "Must kill something", "keyed", "vandal", "much love fo da Greenleaves", and last but not least, "FUCK HOS". It's now our (super rickety) entertainment center...I can't flick the scribes in the dark, so I'll do it tomorrow. I asked my girl if she wanted me to sand them off, and she said, "No...they're cool, leave 'em be." So, now we have someone else's psychotic ramblings as home decor. Only in Oakland. We get most of our furniture by just walking around the neighborhood...I found a really nice wingback chair on July 4th, and dragged it home on my bike. I left it on the porch overnight...good thing I did- it was full of roaches...LIVE roaches. I sprayed it down with Raid, then dropped it off on the corner...wonder who came up on it, and whether the same thing happened to them. :haha:
  13. Go for it! I fill all my pens with T-grade and Garvey, and I haven't had any major problems...Sometimes you'll run across one pen that goes bad, but it's pretty rare. If you're worried about leaks, put the pen in a plastic bag or a rubber glove when you're carrying it. Mostly, make sure the top is screwed on tight and that the body isn't cracked. Those are the reasons almost all my pens have leaked.
  14. This is all I use for most markers... [attachmentid=21820] T-grade for the Drips, and Garvey for the stain and extra blackness. I just hooked up a 30 mm Zig glue pen..works better than the Montana does, I believe. Yoink!
  15. I NEVER put paint in markers, only ink. I use mops for paint, since it's a simple valve designed specifically for thicker mediums like paint or shoepolish. I'll never understand how paint pens work, there's too many tricks to the paint formula for anyone to get it right every single time. This is my opinion, and not a hard and fast rule. As far as what to throw in the Zig (good choice), leather dye is a really good choice, as far as availability and staining power. I like Fiebing's USMC black leather dye the best, but it's a professional product and it's a bitch to find. Griffin is awesome value and works great. Lincoln Is okay, but not on the same level as the first two. Kiwi should be thrown out so the mop can be useful. Look around for inks, too...try to get Pilot or something solvent based. Procolor stamp ink is good, and really easy to find. Garvey ink is hard to find, and well worth it if you do..it stains like crazy and is purple, to boot. Floor enamel? If it's alkyd, it's way too thick to put in anything but a squeeze bottle. Alkyd is great for drip tags, since it takes a jackhammer to get it off the ground, and your tags will run for years.
  16. No, it's the literary reference...I tagged it for a second a while back, too. I'm not into metalcore, though most of my friends are..coincindentally, a friend of mine was supposed to audition for Shai Hulud, but couldn't get to New York on short notice. Too bad for him. I think I heard them once, and thought that they sounded like a lot of other bands I've heard at friend's houses. I don't have a preference as far as music...I don't like most new music I hear, I know that. My favorite artists right now are probably Ian Svenonius, Matty Luv (RIP), Two Gallants, Black Keys, and the White Stripes...I also DJ sometimes, mostly soul and disco, but I'll play anything I feel like, as long as it fits. You should get out more, and not bum out around the house. Get out there, and spread that bad trip around! Especially to meter maids and department store greeters...you'll feel better if you shake them up enough...Eat beans and go ride in elevators...Walk up to the Mormon guys you see on the street, and ask to see their underwear. Go to a parade, and when the band walks by, squirt 'em with a supersoaker...the world is your bitch.
  17. Don't make fun... No, I've been looking for a good WB silver. Someday when I have "disposable income," I'll go to my local Dick Blick and get some...have you used it to cover anything or on dark paper, and how does the opacity hold up if it's thinned? Let me know if you tested these. [attachmentid=21784] Here's some more- on the right, One-Shot is still the best paint I've ever used. Period. It's what signpainters have used for decades, and use to this day. It comes in dozens of colors, with five different formulas. The two main problems are...1) It's pricey....if you can find it, it's $4 for 4 oz. 2) It contains lead, and is therefore really toxic, but it is 100 % weatherproof...tags I did with it on metal grates are still going strong after three years of sun, rain, and feet. It requires a special "reducer" to thin it correctly, which changes only the fluidity, and not the opacity, so it will work in a mop...however, I only use a little at a time since it eats plastic in a hurry. It will not work in a pen- don't bother. It's worth having if you want to experiment with this...but, I only recommend this paint to people who have some painting/fine art experience, and know how to take precautions with lead paint. On a less serious tip, Odds 'n Ends to the left is great, since it's easy to find, cheap and not as bad for you as One-Shot. It thins with almost anything, but like most oil-based paint, it's tricky to get it thin-but-not-streaky without practice. I usually use a little xylene. Once you get it right, it's a nice, long-lasting opaque paint. It also has a good (40+) color selection. Weatherproof, works well in mops, and can be used to refill some paint pens in a pinch, with varying results.
  18. ^Or better yet, RECYCLE IT! Geee-zuz....Kee-reist. Anyway, this is directed at Casek and anyone who was interested in looking at some more photos of the bags I've made....regardez-vou, tout le monde. And now, I'm going to get the hell out of here before my brain falls off. Check that out...it took a long time to edit all those dumb photos...and you can laugh at my "photography skills". Thank God for Photoshop, and strong beer. Oh, in local news, I'm trying to quit smoking...haven't lit up for 5 days now. And, I've only had a half a beer since Saturday. This cold has done the Impossible...now if it would just go away, I might be able to enjoy tasting food and smelling things again... even more so without the ol' grits.
  19. Hmmmmm...shit, where did you get a htb? That's what I want to know...Also... ....Why am I suddenly the only one answering questions here???? :confused: :confused: ....I guess that makes me the alpha nerd. :rolleyes: I've had problems with mixing stamp ink...The sole exception being Garvey, of course. Those little squeeze bottles are underrated pens, though. Or put it in another pen. That's too bad about the silver...does it work well for fine art stuff? I'm always looking for nontoxic metallics that cover well. Krink is bad news indoors and it's impossible to cover...
  20. Mix the toner with ink to flatten it (the ink). I think toner just floats on water, since water isn't enough of a solvent to break it down. Silver ink? Smell it...if it gets you high, it's good, or if it says, "xylene, toluene, flammable, danger, peligro..." Look for solvents. And, even if it's water-based... if it's free, it sure ain't a waste of money, so go nuts! I've used water based stuff before in a pinch...
  21. Still sick...someone is playing the violin across the way...it's nice, but I want to sleep, and if I shut the windows, it will be twenty degrees hotter in here in no time. ^She's just hot, I think....Nothing that odd about her...I'm gonna go make some food, now.
  22. Here, I found this... Japan drier speeds the drying of oil based paint, enamel, and varnish. It works with tung oil to do the same. It can be found at paint stores or possibly a hardware store that has a good selection of paints. Artists also use it to speed the drying process so they can work on oil paintings faster. It has petroleum distillates, so does many ohter products as vaseline, and naphthenic salts. I took this info off the can, so beyond the fact it works I can not be of more help. I know that overnight the tung oil is dry when it would normally take a couple of days. It does not appear to change any of the qualities. Hope this helps. No alcohol, though...add more paint, use a little of the above, and that ought to do it.
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