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Everything posted by shai

  1. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Hmmmm....BSD running Wmaker...good call, nice. I solved my cooling problem with a small house fan blowing directly onto the mobo and HD array ;-). Laugh all you want, but it works.
  2. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Casek....is that a FreeBSD screenshot? ARE YOU COMING OVER TO THE POSIX SIDE???
  3. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> BEER There's one.
  4. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> You're a student, you know the deal.
  5. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> I fucked up. I meant a POSIX based system.....because DOS has always confused me. But, a deal is a deal... there's no twenty on the HD, that was a joke. I'll do what I can as soon as possible.
  6. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> That's enough from me...you know how I roll.
  7. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Just figure out a way to port .exe to UNIX, and it would be the one.
  8. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> I will make it a point to prove you wrong. It's your fault that I saw the light, after all...UNIX is the one of the best things that ever happened to me, and I'll use it (or something like it) till the day I die. Well, here...I'll make you a deal. You tell Bill to get with the program, and switch to a UNIX-based system, and I'm all over it. Twenty bucks on it. Sitting on top of the hard drive.
  9. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Ummmmmmmm..no. No, no, NO. But... "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." -Aleister Crowley
  10. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> I'm halfheartedly trying to convince casek. I just think he should try Mepis 6.0 when it's done. If you're getting the Intel G5s, that's awesome. That's the fastest Mac I've ever used. Tell me what you think of them after you try one. It's pretty surprising.
  11. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> For me, enjoy isn't exactly the right word...I do like a good challenge, and am certainly not afraid to learn or make mistakes along the way. I'll probably end up installing either BSD or Slackware (or both) at some point this summer just to know that I can do it. Those are the only two systems I was never able to install correctly, and it's time I showed them who the boss is around here. I like distros like Mepis, though, because they work without forcing me to go through Configuration Hell...they seem to have all the modules and drivers I need, which has ALWAYS been one of my weak points. That's another big reason I want to go with something I need to build from the ground up- I know that as long as I have someone else figuring that out for me, I'll be complacent.
  12. Re: What are you doing right now? Still fucking moving. The party turned out to be all right, though. Everybody was really cool, the band somehow got better and ended up playing some good songs. My new roommate seems to have good taste in friends, and I even met a 12 ozer in person! And, some cute girls showed up and they didn't seem too worried about our rather cavalier attitude towards housekeeping. In fact, some of them said they plan to come by more often, and I was invited to go hottubbing...but, I had to let them down easy since I really need to move out of my old room so the new guy can move in....plus, think about it: Two in the morning...everyone is buzzed...the (clothing optional) hot tub is on the other side of town...and they're offering to drive me there. They never mentioned how I'd get home, though...so, I figured something was up, and if I went I could probably forget about moving. But, I think I made the right choice, since I have a huge room all to myself for the first time in years...with a lock on the door, no less. I'm looking at the bigger picture, here. Right now, though, I'm about to take a nap then get back to work.
  13. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> But....YOU CAN DO IT!!! Seems like a really good idea, but yeah...that, and it's unstable and prone to crash if it's not set up correctly (which is probably the case for the first couple, three installs).
  14. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Ubuntu is okay...I tried it on PPC, and wasn't bowled over by it. Mepis 6.0 is coming out on the tenth...look at that. Debian based, KDE, Live CD... If you really want to learn all about Linux, go with something like Debian or Slackware. I've heard interesting things about Gentoo, it's kind of a hybrid between Linux and BSD.
  15. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Two computers? Dual boot? Two HDs? You know, Live CDs,,,, they just get old after awhile...but, I see your point. Besides, I think it's better to learn BSD starting out, even if it's tougher...no, BECAUSE it's tougher. That became clear to me after a while.
  16. Re: What are you doing right now? The title should be, "Besides Wasting Your Life by Sitting in Front of a Computer, What Are You Doing Right Now?"
  17. Re: What are you doing right now? Moving upstairs...rather slowly.
  18. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Here's a few more- http://www.brunolinux.com- This site explains what terms like grep, fstab, and malloc mean, and has a bunch of tips, tricks and shortcuts for any level user....I use this on a regular basis. http://www.linuxquestions.com- Comprehensive forum, lots of help here but respect and being able to diagnose the problem and explain it are essential. Otherwise, it's great. http://www.distrowatch.com- Where you can download almost ANY distro. No forum, but plenty of links to them, plus comparisons and reviews of different distros. http://www.freshmeat.net- Apps and patches here, plus news and advice. http://www.sourceforge.org- Same as the above...they're both equally good, each has its strengths and weaknesses. http://www.slashdot.org- Tech news with a emphasis on Open Source. Go get 'em!
  19. Re: What are you doing right now? Wishing I was somewhere else.
  20. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Did you check Distrowatch? They list what's bundled in every distro. If so, good luck...also, check Sourceforge. Or the apt-get list...I'm certain I've seen Kismet on there before. Knoppix is Debian based.
  21. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Thanks, Spy...but I have about 300 tracks, God knows how many she has. She got the point, though. I told her not to DL anything but mp3s and scheisseporn from now on. I'm not gonna explain tTHAT to her...fortunately, it sqeaked by.
  22. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Don't even ask. Most of that I barely understand.
  23. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> I had this idea that if you could look at a series of .wmas with DRM in hex, you could look for parity in sections of the code, isolate them and see if the track plays...I was reading about unfuck.exe and how DRM strings are only 3500 bytes or so, but it's something like a 256 digit encryption key, followed by three other masking techniques. It's basically impossible, but this Napster crack is supposed to be able to hook the DRM and interfere with it. I'm still waiting to see whether this could be applied to WMP 10 encoding.
  24. shai

    Head On!

    I'm high, inject me with more reds.
  25. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> DRM- Digital Rights Management- this makes it really, really hard to fileshare .wma- Windows music/video file extension - these use DRM Napster- come on, now... Python- a very cool programming language portable- describes programs/scripts that can be used on different systems At least three people a day say something like, "Slower, and in English this time..." to me. I'm used to it...I stopped talking about tech stuff to everybody except casek, fuse, Mainter, and two of my roommates. I don't count other tech message boards, where I can geek out to my heart's content and not have to think about it...I try to tone it down here. Also, nobody cares...until their shit crashes, then they care a lot. Then, I'm their bro...I can fix things. I seem to get a lot of beer this way. One time, I even got laid...sometimes, all the hours I spend staring at code turn out to be pretty worthwhile. Casek (so nobody gets confused)- Thanks, I forgot about majorgeeks...it's been eight months. That's more or less what I needed to know. Anyway, my neighbor wants to reinstall XP, and has a bunch of .wma files that are DRMed from her comp and Limewire. She didn't know what that meant, either. So I tried to explain DRM, but it was late and I was drunk, so I said, "I'll find out if this will fly, but I have the same problem and I'm still stumped." For some reason, the XP install on the comp is a bootleg and works okay...but she has a legit copy of XP. If she installs the good copy, my guess is that all these files she has are no good with the new license. But, if they will work, my idea is this- BEFORE I do the clean install, I want to copy ALL of our .wma files on a external HD and unlock them, then convert them to mp3s. So, is this a good plan, or should I just try to clean up the exisiting install? I'm leaning towards the latter option. That, and I never reinstalled XP...it seems easy enough, but you never know.
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