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Everything posted by Kes_One_HTFD

  1. THIS for the RES battle... MY NIGGA IS FOCUSED!!
  2. yo CrmeXprssion, i aint get yuor call yo, i wasnt home, hit me up again, preferably at night on a weekday so ill be here
  3. because he actually did a piece dipshit, i did a little quick simple and that was it
  4. those seal characters are outta line, the first pencil 3d lookin joint is hot too
  5. themo era acet kes mest asy reo gamer credit (not pictured DECO DAZE INK EPIK)
  6. no one is being a tough guy, yuor takin it as that, thats yuor opinion, and yuo explained what i was tryin to say about the new england wild style shit, i got my words mixed up my mistake, they showed the way. because the originated it. thats what i was tryin to say.. and most people over here ended up paintin like who they saw in there areas.. yuo can see it wherever, like with the whole revok thing, he didnt influence everyone in the area, but when yuo see somethin from cali yuo can tell its from there most of the time.. thats all i was tryin to say.. so yea...im gonna stop postin shit in here, cause everytime i do, everyone comes out of the woodwork to talk shit..
  7. everyone is entitled to there own opinion, but just shut the fuck up and stop jumpin on the "hey, lets talk shit about kes" bandwagon, fuckin herb edit** and yuor shit is wack anyways, haha, so yuo shouldnt be one to talk
  8. status whores? man, i paint with whoever is down to paint, dont care. if they happen to be someone well known, then big woop who gives a fuck? ill get down with as many people that wanna paint, thats how me and my crew get down, were not on some YOUR BETTER THAN ME, OH MY GOD WE HAVE TO DO A WALL!!!, fuck that, thats actin like a broad. so please, say whatever yuo wanna say, do whatever yuo wanna do, when yuo rag me, and i see a whatever yuo write throw or hand over a piece, simple, or throw on the street, then itll get real, but since people on here hide behind there names...i doubt it..well run into each other at a jam somewhere and see whats up tho...only time will tell...
  9. please, i woke up one morning and decided to right kes so i could bite ges? haha, be serious. i got pulled into graff by two dudes i used to chill with that used to write SAME and SER, when i was like 14. and basically, all i saw growin into is was , EBIS, GET, KEM, GES, VERS, and thats it, cause they were all from the area i was from. shit gets to you, and yuo get influenced, and if niggas would diss me till i die, bring it, i love beef, ask anyone in my crews. i wouldnt have a large amount of pieces runnin, and get respect from writers who are way better than me if i didnt put in work and was just some toy ass bitch runnin around doin wack ass pieces. i know ges, and asked em for some advice once, hes a real nice person, and has not said shit to me abuot the so called "biting" of his style. if yuo really wanna diss me, think about it before yuo type it, do some research, then come and talk shit to me with facts. and i paint exactly how i draw, quite clean might i add, so before everyone on here starts DEBATING whose style looks like whose, i suggest yuo take a look at yuor shit, and know that yuo got influenced by someone, crews like tm7, fx, kd, were all influenced by each writer in the crew, therefore there shit looks similar and looks like somethin from there area, my shit looks like somethin outta connecticut or mass. plain and simple its basic new england area wildstyle. there. anytime yuo wanna do somethin in person, wether it be paint, fight, whatever. the internet is bullshit and half of the people on this paperchase shit havent put somethin decent on a wall in there lives. so good day to you, have fun critisizing my graff... and stay up... and heres some recent flicks, so yuo can see how i get no respect from writers better than me and get my shit ragged till i die, cause i will body someone steppin to me on some fugazi ass shit, trust... http://www.fototime.com/{3F345769-A44C-45E2-ADEF-21360C99BF41}/picture.JPG'> http://www.fototime.com/{ECFEAC0D-CCE8-4B8B-B476-67B3EB20DC65}/picture.JPG'>
  10. people need to cut it with the fugazi ass music, on some real shit, THAT SHITS FUCKIN ANNOYIN
  11. you could still see some kind of influence from whereever yuor from, it happens to everybody.. and yuor shit is aight, aint hot, but its aight..and the "ive been writin for years" thing is somethin everybody and there grandmother on here says and doesnt even paint. if yuo wanna continue this email me or IM me its in my profile, so we dont have to clog this thread with more shit talk...
  12. i know its spelled wrong, haha, its that i type fast and since the keys are in that order, i end up doin it like that, yuor not the first to tell me that hahaha
  13. hold up...dont get this shit started again...people quick to comment on shit they dont know about...keep sayin whatever...i guess im just "another product of the New England wild style bandwagon" and "since everyones shit looks like ebis, ges, or kem nowadays" i guess i just fall into a stereotype...there, i insulted myself for you, is that what yuo wanted?? yuo happy? post some of yuor shit so we can all see the "super original, grew up around no writers shit at all, i came up with this shit in my room and didnt see any graff while i was startin up with no help from anyone , type of style"... do that..
  14. some shit from my book http://img30.photobucket.com/albums/v91/kesfacekilla/Picture_94.jpg'> http://img30.photobucket.com/albums/v91/kesfacekilla/Picture_52.jpg'> http://img30.photobucket.com/albums/v91/kesfacekilla/Picture_43.jpg'> http://img30.photobucket.com/albums/v91/kesfacekilla/Picture_102.jpg'> http://img30.photobucket.com/albums/v91/kesfacekilla/Picture_99.jpg'> http://img30.photobucket.com/albums/v91/kesfacekilla/Picture_98.jpg'>
  15. this thread is on a downfall and dont come with that YUO DONT HAVE ANYTHING TO SHOW bullshit, cause most of yuo motherfuckers dont even paint, it seriously got lower quality than the previos sticker threads, with people jockin other people for stickers, and stop tellin people shits hot when its wack. come on, seriously...
  16. this thread is on a downfall and dont come with that YUO DONT HAVE ANYTHING TO SHOW bullshit, cause most of yuo motherfuckers dont even paint, it seriously got lower quality than the previos sticker threads, with people jockin other people for stickers, and stop tellin people shits hot when its wack. come on, seriously...
  17. aint even like that homey, ima drop it, arguin on here is pointless
  18. sad how yuo quick to call cats names and shit without knowin niggas history...
  19. shes got a diesel ass jaw, the sketch is nice tho, feelin the caricatures and the phil notot watercolor type paintings.. nice
  20. is it me or do all universities /colleges whatever look the same, cause that looks awfully familiar to UCONN....:confused:
  21. "im the husband the movie traffic you frankie flowers lose the faggot" that yayo song is ill, wit the scarface sample in it. killa cam bringin it to em...get em girls.....
  22. thats real sick, what did you use to do that?
  23. im feelin this 3d shit yuove been doin lately, im likin it colored better, instead of just black and white, keep it up, shits hot.
  24. nice, the one with the handstyle as a fade is sick
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