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zemdoe sc

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Everything posted by zemdoe sc

  1. bump taipei back to the top
  2. this Warface is awesome.dude is creepin on a comeup
  3. Re: Don't Call it Frisco i dont think that was a good idea
  4. Re: Don't Call it Frisco kech and mq in sanfran.setup too. nyc does it again
  5. is syph,syphi?kunt and syphi where way ahead of their time in the straightletter dept.
  6. bonus kills besea cuts and slices before he kills. go get em boxcutter.you'r my favorite thuggy.
  7. im gonna be sick this fuckin mud puddle broad deserves it.
  8. Re: Don't Call it Frisco mq showin how its done. rip tie
  9. i have to give it to snore for beein'n real up in praha
  10. zemdoe sc


    i wasnt sayin you or anyone was callin me out.people know better.if ya gotta problem come see me.peroid.what i was sayin is the amount of back and forth banter about dudes with no style thinkin they have earn'd it to talk like gangsters.well,you cant log off in the street.
  11. Re: Don't Call it Frisco next time your east coastin it come see me jeloe.
  12. zemdoe sc


    look man im cincy native so i'll speak on what i want.theres some real quality comin out and some bullshit halfassed jawns as well.iok got much bigger this past if ANYONE got a problem come see me.i vouce for my mates and my family both.ya'll need to worry more about painting than chit chat."jealousy is a female trait."
  13. its cold outside...but it gets so hot in here bump my nigga B
  14. that krime was at the rez circa 98 or 97 i have that flick he was with kez
  15. i love it when Homer j. Simpson drives by the I.R.S. and booos.
  16. that rue is a ill find. but finding that pantastic and posting it on here is good look
  17. im proud to be put in gpk. i know they have alot of history out west. i dont claim to know it all,but i respect my friends and the fact they felt me worthy to rep GPK. i got no problem holding it D on this coast,and where ever else i travel to.
  18. Re: Don't Call it Frisco didnt that tiger jump a 20 foot fence? cant keep a tiger in a cage........
  19. who ever that green slam is... batter or what ever it says.he did a slam around 9th and reed and got a really old pub tag buffed.just out of luck i flicked the pub that actually said publish.(the only time i ever saw him write that)a few weeks earlier.philly history vanish's more everyday.whatch where you write you're name man.anyone who wrote on the liberty bell deserves his and our respect.
  20. in my opinion aids kids are doin it. a few others.but these kids really get it in. whatever its worth
  21. i would have to give ADS icp tagger of the year. whos fuckin with him right now or this past year. besides 4ever makin a strong push lately i'm talkin all year.
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