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2 blaazed

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Posts posted by 2 blaazed

  1. i love cam'rons punch lines....theyre fuckin so stupid....but like a reeeal funny stupid....i aint realin feelin dipset......i have been feelin d-block for yeaaaaaars.....even before they where down with puff.....and nobody else was feelin them callin them wack and i would stilll bump there shit.....theyre straight streeet hood.......now saggin is on there jocks......iwas puttin cats on to them years ago and now peeps act like they been loyal fans for years...

  2. why is when i close my window n put my ac on it stays hot.....but when i open my window n put my ac on it gets mad cold...can anyone explain this???



    and theo if ya didnt kno why u was on probabtion...postin non stop pic after pic like that will send u on that road bro....

  3. im sorry, excuse my horny slander....i have been locked in this house all day....i re arranged my room twice....u could fuckin eat off the floor in my apartment....and i just thought that seeing a nie pretty girls face (exspecially one who is a knightbat) would lighten up my day and make the hours i have spent online today worth it......^:)^

  4. well...the best game by far all around is gta...halo is the best shooter by far tho....i used to smoke newports till i coughed up blood...now i smoke marb lights......i only like a newport when im fucked up...it gives a nice full pull...where are all the god damn girls (except dee,devilush,sugar cuz there like one of the guys)....we need some shortys on this site....must recruit....fuckin 12oz sausage partys....its like a fuckin swordfight on this site....

  5. man cheech can be the best if u have a strong will....and know when to stop and know when its the right time.....i love cheech but dont do it everyday (like all my friends) not even everyweekend.....but once i do it....i binge out.....i did 20 gram in 36 hours and got sent to the hospital cuz i took a shit load of zanax afterwards.....(by the way the average person can hold 1.5 grams depending on body wieght)....dont ever speedball dude...i almost died and have had 2 friends die already....





    and thats how u gotta do it gliko....them one hitter quiters....

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