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2 blaazed

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Posts posted by 2 blaazed

  1. im a strong person bro, if i dont wanna do something i wont do it...i have a very strong will...maybe not strong enough for addictions but strong none the less....thas why i think rehab is the best place for me...get threw it and without friends or family and noone around to get my going again...cuz once im sober n clean forawhile i know i could do it...even bieng around it again i would be ok...i have some serious descisions to make...and it makes it even worse that in 30 days i have to get a new place and get a job transfer.....



    thanks for hearing me out bro...

  2. i dunno sometimes that seems like i cant....since im very Very young i have been surrounded and grew up by this lifestyle...so for me to walk away means mean walking away from everything and everyone i knows...sometimes i feel like just getting up and movin the the other side of the country and starting all over...

  3. weed is a big factor in it...i have blazed no less then 5 blunts a day for the last 7 years.....and im a chain ciggarate smoker....its the cocaine and other things that are killin me....i have lost 70 pound in 2 months and i dont work out or diet....the hole in the heart started from high cholestorol (Sp?) and not chewing food before swallowing it...

  4. Originally posted by seeking

    if you make us be aliens, or futuristic women with mad max tits, i'm gonna change your title to something horrendous! and then just to take it a step further, i'll write script that automatically changes the words 'knight bats' into something else....something like 'pinapple humpers' or some shit. and then when you guys try getting all l33t, and pulling some shit like "kn1g4t I3@t$" you'll find out that that turns into something even worse...something like 'crippled hookers'! you have no idea as to the extent of our powers. you're messing with mother nature here homeboy, and mothernature is a son of a bitch!


    :lol::lol: fidel castro of 12oz

  5. Well I shot some there, then I copped some beer

    And did a show up in west bubblefuck somewhere

    Due to raps wider ratio, satellites to nato

    Hillbilly draws flew on the stage like tomatoes

    Apparently more mack than I thought

    Unfortunately wife piece back in new york

    And I’m starvin

    Being human and open with

    A mad fine hillbilly woman was scoping rick

    Thought entered how to lean and bent it

    Though I’m not gonna lie I was extremely tempted

    (to what, rick? ) to discharge in a sista

    Next thing in the dressing room, pardon me, mister

    Yes, I said cautiously

    Crazy, but possibly

    You could sign your name on the back of these dazy duke shorts for me

    Try to resist, now girlfriend startin’ it

    The pen won’t write, you can press down hard on it -

    Now my hand browsing her south end

    Spun around about to shove my tongue in her mouth when

    Rring! - loosen the grip my hell had

    My girl, she was talking so nice I felt bad

    Being untrue, no telling what it might do to her

    I love you, forced to say I love you back too to her

    Any thought of getting pussy was doomed to:you got a wife?

    Anniversary comin up soon too

    Got off the phone, cock just got mute

    Don’t get me wrong it’s not like you’re not cute (uh-huh)

    I’m wrong for mistreating her, the wanting to skeeting her

    I understand, goodbye, it was real nice meetin’ ya

    What an angel overcoming his wrongness

    The moral I am trying to get across in this song is


    If goodness is what you’re filling your soul with

    And wanna find a woman you can chill and grow old with

    Who keeps no secret, like who they creep with

    Realise early it’s a 2 way street, kid (say what? )

    Goodness is what you’re filling your soul with

    And wanna find a woman you can chill and grow old with

    Who keeps no secret, like who they creep with

    Realise early it’s a 2 way street, kid


    Casually seating with some thick chords eating

    With my album playing at a big board meeting

    I love this, being the coolest and the ruffest

    A big willie woman pulls the ruler in her office

    And fixed a wedge in her garment, unsteady my heart went

    ’cause her office looked like a three bedroom apartment -

    Pounding was inevitable

    She said to me rick, I think your album is incredible

    The way the hon’ upon i, comin’ on a sun i

    You’re so darn sexy with that patch over your one eye

    Well I’m glad you think it’s boomin’ and I catch ya

    Means a lot to me, coming from a woman of your stature

    I mean, who could resist the don head?

    Start caressing rick private, kiss me on the neck

    And I can’t be held accountable if down her gown I pull

    Girlfriend pussy look plump and poundable

    She sweats the set me emporer

    Put one of your legs up on the desk and let me enter ya

    Fantastic, though I start to act drastic

    When I see my wedding band ’pon the bitch left ass cheek

    Deep down, she felt that I tried to diss

    I’m like, I can’t do this as much as I’d like to miss

    An angel overcoming his wrong, kids

    The point that I am trying to get across in this song is


    If goodness is what you’re filling your soul with

    And wanna find a woman you can chill and grow old with

    Who keep no secret, like who they creep with

    Realise early it’s a 2 way street, kid (say what? )

    Goodness is what you’re filling your soul with

    And wanna find a woman you can chill and grow old with

    Who keep no secret, like who they creep with

  6. so it was my roomates birthday party last night...shit got fuckin nuts....alchohol n pools dont mix...motherfuckers picked me up n threw me in clothes cellphone money and all...it was cool tho i was drunk and it was actually refreshing...anyway...so later on in the night the kegs are done and only a few people are around....this douchebag from jersey is there and he was so drunk the girls where puttin duct tape on his hairy chest and back and ripping it off and the kid was lovin it...so im sittin there with the crew smokin a blunt when this dude comes out of nowhere and pulls his fuckin pants off...hes like dude im jus gonna hang out with my wang out...im like "yo get this fuckin gay homo shit the fuck up out here u in the wrong party dog" so he comes and trys to sit on my god damn lap....before i know anythin my boy just gets up and smack him with a bottle....we throw his clothes over a big fence and kick him out the house butt naked bleeding and all....so now everyone in the party is wildin out that where "fucked up and grimey" and what not...next thing you know these 2 kids start fightin...shit is flying everywhere...finally every gets kicked out...then my roomates try to put all this shit on me like i fucked up the party...anyway bottom line is in 30 days im movin out...me n my boy r splitting a apartment and im gonna be chiiiiiiiiiiiiillen

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