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2 blaazed

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Posts posted by 2 blaazed

  1. I remeber they used to have a website where these guys would pretend like girls and get the guys to admit to all fucked up shit and do some fucked up shit cuz they thought they where cybering with a girl...it was some funny shit man...ill try to find a link.........it was something like captainoblivious.com or some shit...

  2. Originally posted by effyoo

    pimpednhung: its bleeding!

    littlesweetbabe6: OMFG

    pimpednhung: i faint at the sight of blood

    littlesweetbabe6: YOU

    littlesweetbabe6: IDIOT

    pimpednhung: i start convulsing

    pimpednhung: i go into shock

    littlesweetbabe6: IM NEVER TALKING TO YOU AGAIN!

    pimpednhung: i bite my tongue off

    littlesweetbabe6: YOU LOSER!

    littlesweetbabe6: FUCK YOURSELF!

    pimpednhung: i'm having a seizure

    littlesweetbabe6: i dont care

    pimpednhung: call 911!

    littlesweetbabe6: I hope you die freak

    littlesweetbabe6: im gone

    pimpednhung: my dick falls off for no reason



    :lol::lol: haha thats some funny shit....i dont know what you cxan get from cyber sexing...i mean that wouldnt even get me aroused....thats why there is porn

  3. Are you sure you aint on the roster man?? it must be a mistake if you aint, you have been down since the beggining, but havent seen you in awhile..it aint no big thing..good to see you back..u missed alot...seeking changed our thread title aout 20 times he even change our thread to the name of the night owl thread and vice versa...it was all in fun but war none the less...now johnny is a sell out

  4. Originally posted by DETO

    2blazzed, glad to heaar you're doing well, even though i didn't get a shout out :cry2: just joshin' dude, anyway, keep it up.


    deto/just about 2 weeks sober oner.


    werd..i fergot my niggro pistols....and pffffft too....





    It's going good,i dont realy feel good..but slow process is better then no processs..i thought it was gonna be like jail in here..but i actually been chillen...something i thought i couldnt do sober....i have been smokin many more squares lol.....i have been eating alot too..well as much as i can....the group meeting are cool too....to sit back and just listen to some guy or girl tell some fuckin screwed up ass story about thier life (wich are probably too graphic or "drug related" for this board) and knowing that you and everyone else in the room has been threw some shit too and are all trying to get better together...it brings your morale up to the fullest...theres alot of older people then younger people here as well, there this one graffiti writer from penn. havent been here for a few pages...damn we almost at 100..doesnt seem like much is up though...same old two step....anyway


    shouts to the homeys:gooser, i4ni,gilk0,26,f4ntom,gattita,gooch,i patch,nekro,suki,why write,crimson,pinup,defy,

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