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Everything posted by the_gooch

  1. I just got back from Vegas, no flix because the camera was being a bitch. celfmoney and I made some coin but the fever hit us hard and we went down a bit. I won $1,000 last night playing roulette but now it’s gone because I spent an hour or so with 2 hot Spanish “dancers”. All in all it was a good time even though I stayed up for two days straight (just on h2o and caffeine). The weather was insane and the magic convention was pretty cool too. I have to say I didn’t focus on business all too hard because I was more involved with gambling, this little spanish stripper I was coolin’ with Saturday night/Sunday morning, and then my 2 “dancer” friends last night. I can’t wait to go back in February!
  2. i mean i'm not about a "club" or anything i'm just looking to get the name out there more and all of that. i'm so glad i have a job working late afternoons/nights now, i can sleep all day and wake up late. only thing is, i keep saying i am going to get up early and do shit except it never happens.
  3. yeah, when i read about that after i got the car i was pissed i didn't get anything from the dealer, but then i got some shit in the mail and now it's on! haha some kid came up to me in the parking lot of target and invited me to join a scion car club, he said my shit was pretty tight, i think i may do it for the exposure once i get the car wrapped.
  4. hahaha that's dope. i am going to get some funky shit on my car i just don't know what yet. yeah man send me your address again and i will send you some. here is some incentive to buy that scion deto https://www.scionboost.com/themoment/viewAwards you get one of those for free! i'm getting the ipod or the sony home theater
  5. dam deto, that sucks. get the scion, i just got one that is a manual it is fun as hell.
  6. any of you guys near vegas? i'm heading out there in 12 days. drinking, gambling, trade shows, strip clubs, and all i can eat buffets...........sick!
  7. yeah i know, and i always stretch before, during and after. i have been away from the gym for almost 3 years so it is rough but i am getting back in the groove quick enough. i am making a point to focus on the simple mass builders like squats, deadlifts, push press, clean and press, etc.. knightbat meathead talk....hahah
  8. yeah i threw them in after a pretty long chest and back routine. i never really did them in the past so i was trying to get the hang of them.
  9. i feel depressed cause i didn't go to the gym tonight. i guess that is a good thing. deadlifts fucked my back up a bit. yeah, i have no life right about now. what is everyone up to? how is the summer going for everyone. by the lack of activity up in here i would assume it's a good one.
  10. yo, i just put $500 down on that ugly shit!!!! thanks deto yeah i am running it through my LLC and hopefully i will be able to write most of it off. eventually i am going to get it wrapped or slapped with some vinyl, i just need to sit with my boy and figure out a design that will work.
  11. yeah i may lease or finance it under the business and try to write it off. student loans are awesome! (i wont be saying that in 2 years)
  12. glik, forget the emeril (bam) idea i had...... i'm thinking "box banger" hahaha, if you remember what i am refering to i'm sure you'll get a laugh out of that.
  13. yeah i've gotten all of this already from the crew...haha.
  14. i don't know man, the shit is pretty fresh. i am not totally amped on the yellow though. the shit is a manual and a limited edition. i am thinking of getting it, getting it wrapped or have some vinyl shit on it and rock as a mobile ad. yellow is a head turner, but you either hate it or love it (the xb and/or the color).
  15. thanks glik, by the way i'm glad to hear everything worked out for you.
  16. oh by the way, go peep the latest issue of tablist, it made me smile.
  17. that sounds like something i may try. yeah, i realized fat, broke, and single is NOT the way to be rolling at my age. i skipped going today cause i had to finish getting my bedroom back in order and shit. thank god it is done.
  18. i went back to the gym and i can't move my arms.
  19. dubs, i probably will not be able to jump on that. i think i am starting this new job on monday and i am in the process of ripping apart my place, putting new floors in, painting and general "this old house" type stuff. chris has some samples of work, so ask him if he wants to work out things and i can always help out if we set shit up at a later date. give me a call tomorrow or something. anyone need any furniture? i will part with some stuff super cheap or for some cool original art.
  20. anyone in the tristate area have any connections with a body shop?
  21. yeah i'll see what he has to say. gooser, do you want to work on a project with me and gatita? (a wall near your hood). it's for a head shop. let me know (or gatita).
  22. ok cool. yeah i got the message. i just didn't hear anything else. if turden goes i will roll, cause i will probaly grub a ride off of him. i am trying to keep my miles low for when i return my car next month, so i am keeping the driving to a minimum.
  23. it's saturday and i am going to paint the floor of my boiler room, my life is so exciting. is there any other painting going on in the weeks to come?
  24. My apt. flooded yesterday right as I was getting ready to go on a job interview. So I throw mad towels and sheets down, let my sister know she should keep an eye on the situation and rush to my appointment. The place I needed to go to was fairly local so I waited until the last second to get ready; since the flood shit happened I wound up leaving late. I get to the area I need to be in and find the street and get a nice spot to park. For some reason I am under the impression that I need to go to the address #30 but 30 is a hotel. So I go in and ask for the guy I am supposed to meet and all of that. They look at me like I have 10 heads and I realize that I probably made a mistake. At that point I decided to refer to my directions again and realize that I needed to be at #80, not #30. OK, I am a half hour late at this point and think to myself, should I just leave and not even go? I figured what the fuck, let me just see what they have to say, so I go in and meet with the dude and his boss. I tell them about my flooded basement but I make sure I leave out the address mix up cause that would be a sure sign of incompetence (and I am good like that from time to time). I lay on the bullshit rather thick and my resume must have impressed them,(apparently owing your own business can be a good thing) cause they tell me they want to make me an offer. Now this job is just some bullshit gig until something better comes along and the pay is rather weak but it is better than what I was making and more than I have now that I am unemployed. OK, so they tell me they are going to be right back and to sit tight. They come back in with another dude (one of the owners or some shit) and they introduce me and all of that good shit. He seems like a bit of a dick at first cause he is goes “You look a bit refined for this position”, so I tell him “I usually look refined when I am on a job interview, but I have no problem getting dirty if I need to…blah blah”. So, he turns around and asks me if I think I could see myself in a management position, naturally I say of course and ask how much more will I get. The pay is better but still not where I would like to be and I get to boss around a crew of 7 people. This story has no point what so ever but it’s all good. Anyway, I am going through some background checks for this job and have several other job opportunities that are still pending. There is one I REALLY want but I have a feeling that won’t go through. Anyway, next time you are on a job interview, try the “I don’t give a fuck attitude” and see what happens. You might get a better job offer….haha.
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