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Everything posted by JUDONO?

  1. fuck i dont wanna go back to work, i need another week off.
  2. watchu fools know bout this^^^^
  3. fuck this weathers tight, i finally get to wear my baggy ass sweats and my new hoodies!
  4. im drinking a hefeweizen(widmer bros. brand) sup anyone in socal liking the weather change? im loving it except for the traffic. mmm im listening to the new warren g cd. im bored. lates.
  5. yeah im glad this is back. shouldnt that boxcar say "fatalist"? no offense.
  6. hey i need a back facial. :rolleyes: damn casek thanks for those camera links, i had one of those for a while im gonna start to fuck with it. hey im mexican i did pay attention.
  7. i got the munchies what should i eat? i went to winco tonight and i got all kinds of food. damn fuck that im going to carls jr spicy chicken sandwiches here i come.
  8. im eating oatmeal and i didnt go to class today.
  9. so you have crabs? :haha: fuck this kush is bomb peaceoutniggas i gotta wake up at 630 to goto work. :privateeye:
  10. mines just like the white one but with different rims. yeah the new tacomas look pretty bad. have you seen the new frontiers?
  11. finally the pms are kicking in see you bastards in the morning.
  12. i just took 2 tylenol pms and im about to smoke a primetime. fuck i hate not having any chron. oh btw i just got one of these: oh and i have a new nephew congrats bro. brb after my smoke break.
  13. i still cant find my old bookmarks.
  14. thanx casek and arcel im gonna try that right now.
  15. how do you switch users for firefox? i was online then firefox shut down and when i got back online my bookmarks were all gone. anyone else have this happened to them?
  16. dave chapelle season 2 dvd is fucking funny.
  17. i havent had any beer for 2 months im gonna drink this shit tomorrow.
  18. i was gonna post thepiratebay but you beat me to it. im gonna check this thread when i get home later on tonight. this thread rocks.
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