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Everything posted by mosluggo

  1. Haiku Stairs From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia • Ten things you may not know about images on Wikipedia •Jump to: navigation, search Haiku Stairs, July 2007.The Ha'ikū Stairs, also known as the Stairway to Heaven or Haiku Ladder, is a steep hiking trail on the island of Oahu. The trail began as a wooden ladder spiked to the cliff on the south side of the Haiku Valley. It was installed in 1943 to enable the construction of antenna cables that would be strung from one side of the cliffs above Haiku Valley to the other. A building to provide a continuous communication link between Wahiawa and Haiku Valley Naval Radio Station was also constructed at the very peak of Puukeahiakahoe, elevation at about 2800 feet. These extraordinary antennas transmitted very low frequency radio signals from a 200,000-watt Alexanderson alternator located in the center of Haiku valley. The signals could reach US Navy submarines as far away as Tokyo Bay even while the submarines remained underwater. A popular history of the construction of Haiku Stairs is contained in Woodbury, David Builders for Battle chapter XXIII, E P Hutton & Company Inc., New York, 1946. When the Naval base was decommissioned in the 1950s the United States Coast Guard used the site for an Omega station. In the early 1950s, the wooden stairs were replaced by sections of metal steps and ramps — by one count, 3,922 steps. The station and trail were closed to the public in 1987. Despite the closure, some hikers ignore the No Trespassing signs and continue to climb, contributing to the local community's misgivings about reopening the structure. Local officials have repaired the trail and the ladders, but the trail will remain closed and patrolled by security until access and management issues have been resolved. Oh heres a flick of the top
  2. really couldnt tell you we hit the cloud line about 3/4 of the way up. could have stopped there, but kept going just to finish.cleanest air ever. it took us 2 hrs to get up. That was the hard part. little less than an hour getting down. If you do it bring gloves.
  3. Ya well most normal folk use rubbers but this kid aint normal. He still dont use them! and he just got ANOTHER girl pregnant. He "took care" of it. ahha thats number 7 or 8 now fuck when do you learn???Also, just cuz your wearing a rubber dont mean your nuts aint hitting something right? BallsDeepOner
  4. Haaahahaha watch out for cruzin chubbies...my boy got the herps there!! no really!
  5. That wasnt an easy climb. Looks nice and all, but parts of that are almost straight up. Im glad i did it though. One more off the list..
  6. I watched the "north shore". jk i lived in nor cal for 3 years. Surfed up and down the coast> and have still been making trips. i was i costa rica twice this year and san diego once. I usually try to surf or snowboard wherever i go..
  7. Ya google "haiku stairs" its closed off to the public. I guess it was built by the coast guard to transmit radio frequency from one side of the island to the other. Cool though
  8. Ok thats all im posting. I was with my girl so i couldnt get my pedo on. Oh well always next time..
  9. Ive been wanting to do this shit. its a 3000 foot stairway to the top of this mountain. Theres securtity around the bottom but we got past without problems..
  10. not that i can remember. where is that?
  11. Theres a website that you can rent houses or apts anywhere in the world. It just depends on how much you want to spend. Im checking out places in whistler and colorado for a snowboarding trip in jan or feb. Pm me if you want it. Photobuckets site is down for maintenance. Update later.
  12. It was 1500 for 8 days. The first night i got a room at the military hotel for 120$ (My buddy is in the service) Its really not bad if you think about how much you would be spending on hotel rooms and food and drinks. If you look at the bedroom, it has those beams coming down for support. I hit my head so fucking hard on that 1 beam. Must have done it 3 times before i just stopped going up there altogether. Still have a bump on my noggin from that. Photobucket just went down so as soon as its working again, ill continue
  13. North shore is the spot. Ive been to hawaii 4 times now. Stayed with friends up until this trip. If im close to the surf, im happy. And traffic in honolulu bloooows. So the owner of the house was a real cool dude from new york. He had some beach cruisers at the house and i decided to take a ride to get some flicks in the morning. These are all along the kam highway. Brown water from the rain.
  14. The house was a little on the small side. But it had a grill on the deck and was right on the beach. I figured hitting costco and getting food for the week would be a better idea than going out to eat with the old lady 3 times a day. Got 5 cases of beer and a gallon of absolut. Also rented a pimped out caddy, thanks to my buddy sean i got 20% off. If you go to hawaii and rent a covertible mustang, you are a homo. Heres some more.. Me and my buddy adam
  15. So i decided to rent out a crib on the north shore. I picked up my 2 boards when i got there and caught some really good waves through the week. PIPE
  16. Waimea Bay Few random flicks from inside the missouri@ pearl harbor
  17. Just got back from Oahu. 10 days of booze and surf. Man up and get your travel on. Ill try to post the ones i think you guys will like, and not overload this thread with boring flicks.
  18. Thats all i got for now. All mine. Killing time before a 10 hour flight. peace..
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