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Everything posted by SukiSukiNow

  1. here's shu in her knightbat costume sitting next to her bat cave http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00298572f00000076.jpg'>
  2. also random... shu shu http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00298572f00000072.jpg'> http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00298572f00000073.jpg'>
  3. she's soooooo damn cute i wanna squeeze her and carry her in my pocket
  4. Hell yeah it's all about the lime tostitos, not sure about the blueberry oolong?
  5. oh you mean kinda like how you love me but you shouldn't but you can't help it?
  6. director's cut of donnie darko comes out i think next summer in theaters. can't wait.
  7. im not a fanatic, but i do love the taste of coffee. i just bought a french press, though i hardly ever use it. i'm adicted to buying yummy coffees already made and waiting for me to doctor it up. mmm...
  8. so i furnished my entire place thanks to ikea for a mere $2200. it's ikea catalogued out, very unlike me. it was cheap and i must say, it does look very warm and cozy. come over for beers knightbats =)
  9. oooh so i'm not the only one shopping for furniture. today i went to ikea and furnished my whole apartment.
  10. today i am giving myself the day off to go buy furniture. hooray. i'm actually getting used to sleeping on my aerobed. do you care? no, but do i care that you don't care? no. :)
  11. http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00298572f00000069.jpg'>
  12. just because i don't post doesn't mean i don't keep up... and as for you, my tony soprano, i just hate competing for your attention in here. you already have many who adore you and are bombarding you with attention. yes, it's been awhile sine our "session" i'll pencil you in. :dazed:
  13. well look at you, i'd be scurrrrd too with those musckles
  14. *hugs* yay. you know what i mean though and i just wanna shove a pair of shoes into someone's mouth and break their fingers then spit on them. wanna join me?
  15. sometime i just wanna say shut the fuck up so... SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!! that felt good, thank you goodnite.
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