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Everything posted by SukiSukiNow

  1. ok i will but after the 2 of you go at it knightbat style. crim, you on myspace or aim?
  2. (hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha)100 you guys crack me up. how about iquit and crimson "do it" and i just watch and rate? as for you 26sided... what we talk about outside 12oz is private so stop telling people our bizniz sucker fuck the e-crush, i already asked you to marry me...
  3. my friday night is laying in bed playing e-games with earmuffers
  4. how come chicago is so disliked? i've been there dozens of times for work and i thought the city was beautiful, esp during winter. but then i don't have to live there.
  5. Re: this is whats going on right now in the house o' Pfffffffffft. whoaaa i have an icee light too but it's rectangular and on my wall in sf.
  6. as a kid i thought babies came out of the butthole like big poop
  7. the mind boggling never ends... even when you're touching your own vagina, you'd think you would know your vagina but the wonder never stops.
  8. http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00298572f00000066.jpg'>
  9. http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00298572f00000065.jpg'>
  10. Lets all congratulate our Knightbat Effyoo for being accepted into school!!! Hooray, he found out today!! Yay!!! Yipee!!! =) Now you have no choice but to hang out with me when I go home to visit, tsk tsk tsk.... mwuahahahaha...
  11. if you're not down, fuck you... but then if everyone was down it would be too hard to be picky and choosy and what fun would that be do knighbats suck blood?
  12. GOOD LUCK!!!!! If they were smart they will both want you! =) I rep San Francisco and Houston, yeeehaw!
  13. Awww man, I'm so happy I belong somewhere! Hoooray!
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