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Everything posted by SukiSukiNow

  1. Re: Dear ________, - no homo banana chan, earlier the better. don't drive in the dark through the mountains. breakfast sunday morning is a must. <3 ssn
  2. you know after i wrote that, i saw a stupid commercial for sheels and thought, fuck im retarded for calling it shields i drove up monday after the storm and the roads were all completely cleared now there's some rain so the snow has melted away. just drive slow. go to walmart and get some incase, if you need them installed, there's always people who do it on the road for a small fee. just use b-fish, make her bat her eye lashes and get some dude to do it for free.
  3. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear b-fish, can you come up friday instead of sat? one night is just not enough time. <3 ssn
  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear invest, 12oz is here for you. vent away. also, don't rely on other's to find your happiness or to be there for you. make shit happen on your own. oh and rip. <3 ssn
  5. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear milky, that's why marco is coming to town! he will put everything away and organize for you. see you tonight. <3 ssn dear marco, meet you at the airport in a few hours! <3 ssn
  6. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear panty, stop crawling up my ass. <3 ssn
  7. i forgot this one with my others dao came to paint the sf beach walls?
  8. well fuck sulking, you need to come out and have fun with us this weekend! holler.
  9. you know i like giving you a hard time. rant all you want if it helps but smelling puppy breath would help more =)
  10. everyone who got the tacos were in love, i didn't eat it so who knows... sure you can! your balls might shrink though! :)
  11. and thank god for my spoiled little assholes who help me get through a hard fucking day that was brought on by some shithead human being who knows how to think and behave the right way but choses not to stop being mad and go hug a puppy and feel warm and fuzzy inside turn this :mad2: into this :love2:
  12. so do mine!!! it's so hard to get them to potty when the snow covers up to their head
  13. someone left this note on my car went to a bday party for john stanley, some of you bay area people might remember him came back to reno to a shitload of snow (just in time for marco's visit)
  14. whoever was driving that little civic is a bitch ass pussy bought dress here's my proof mercer have to cover up my shoes and clothes so IHATEU can't talk shit thanks for the support ooops team lucha chavella (beer + tequilla + salt) bacon, steak, chicken, pork, chorizo tacos
  15. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear eon, been busy but good. was in a little all girls art show over the weekend. i don't think im cut out for things like that with my ocd and anxiety. hope you're doing well. <3 ssn
  16. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear cali, did you just say GIRLFRIEND?????? what the fuck??? i'm shocked and proud at the same time. <3 ssn
  17. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear weekend, why are you over so fast? <3 ssn dear rain, really??? <3 ssn
  18. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear mud, actually i would just clean and organize your place. <3 ssn dear marco, anything is negotiable but my house is a NO shoes home. very asian and feel free to use my rice cooker. <3 ssn dear cali, umm you didnt put the magazines back with exactly 2 inches between them. <3 ssn
  19. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear cali, i'll call you if im not lagging! <3 ssn dear marco, usually im a clean freak but i've been working on my ocd. i am NOT, i repeat, NOT going to clean or freak out about cleaning for your visit. <3 ssn p.s. the pugs are getting excited
  20. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear count, you usually like it when i shit on you. <3 ssn dear cali, not yet, im leaving here in about an hour. <3 ssn
  21. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear tux, i was gonna say be super clingy and call her non stop but i think she would that that. that's one sure way for me to not wanna see a guy. be shitty in bed? <3 ssn
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