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Everything posted by dogface

  1. maybe reup is male seahorse and he needs his eggsack impregnated by a female so he can give assbirth?
  2. REEEEHORSE!-starfish and anemone eating a chinese abalone and other awesome vacation photo
  3. someone post those new spots i been seeing. gaps, dwal, uce, cme, etc got some nice new ones.
  4. if you mean that kids cartoon art sucks, i couldnt agree more. i hate that shit. i miss the old school styles, new shit is beyond bad.
  5. you just found the golden egg. there's 11 more floating around for now. be on the lookout!
  6. i havent heard as much crying about out of towners since i watched piece by piece. revok didnt even go over that jaunt. as much as it sucks, dead writers shit eventually disappears.
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