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Everything posted by dogface

  1. atak piece caught in the portland tribune. http://portlandtribune.com/news/story.php?story_id=130877602537706700
  2. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCIQtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DX0UJaprpxrk&rct=j&q=bat%20shark%20repellent%20spray&ei=M-IGTvLIBI_biAKAypnbDQ&usg=AFQjCNFW3um0RBixsFZLWOV6LsugoLQkzQ&cad=rja
  3. so is plasma a molester? i always wondered what that finder of lost children shit was all about.
  4. word, i like that wave, RIP, hope people dont touch what he left running.
  5. shut up bitches. post magnum flicks.
  6. have you guys seen the magnum cake?
  7. anyone have some HAWK YR flicks? the hollywood bowl exit sign 1997 would be especially rad, but i'd love to see anything.
  8. you guys all think thats busu and its not. busu is hustleandgrow and like me, he doesnt post under other screen names. its just someone trying to fuck with everybody. bump pretty babe!
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