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Everything posted by KRAUT

  1. Try these: Ruhrpott AG Creutzfeld & Jakob http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49KWQHQ1XFw Torch: None of that fancy new school "hip hop"
  2. maybe its cause Germany is the biggest country in Europe so since the competition is so big you have to be good to get noticed.
  3. haha i've only been to berlin about 3 times and saw something everytime. even wholecars in traffic and a subway married couple wholecar in a station lay-up in spandau...that was in summer tho...lucky me...
  4. hamburg has windows in the front and in the end of the cars as well...and the little bumps are allover not only at the bottom of the car
  5. ^^that hot niks character looks pretty cantwo-ish in my humble...
  6. KRAUT

    The Babble

    ^^^^what exactly were you looking for?^^^^
  7. KRAUT

    The Babble

    ^^^could it be that the mouth is a bit too far on the right?^^
  8. KRAUT

    The Babble

    i think its two camel spiders in that picture (count the legs, notice the color) nevertheless they're damn huge!
  9. wa5te_pHk I'm trying to get in contact with people from Denver, send me your email please kiskmann@gmx.de plus I see your birthday is the same day mine is!
  10. adroit I really like the shading of that first character up there... ps: check ur email:idea:
  11. thanks for your comments! :cool:
  12. some random stuff from my blackbook... this one's about seven months old. http://mitglied.lycos.de/kiskone/bb19kopie.jpg'> this one too. http://mitglied.lycos.de/kiskone/bb18kopie.jpg'> the background was cut out from a newspaper. I did it half a year ago. http://mitglied.lycos.de/kiskone/bb10.jpg'> This one was for the battle in the official battle thread. http://mitglied.lycos.de/kiskone/ZOINK.jpg'> This ones half a year old. http://mitglied.lycos.de/kiskone/justmaintainkopie.jpg'> When I did this I didn't know there is someone in the US writing SUFR. http://mitglied.lycos.de/kiskone/Bildsufr.jpg'> This one was done in December http://mitglied.lycos.de/kiskone/1204.jpg'> I did this one in January http://mitglied.lycos.de/kiskone/104.jpg'> I did this one last week. http://mitglied.lycos.de/kiskone/304kopie.jpg'> ...and this one yesterday..its not done though http://mitglied.lycos.de/kiskone/404kopie.jpg'>
  13. I vote for DORK on the WORD battle...those hands are sick
  14. yo starz above I think people have already voted on the zoink battle!?! ...maybe I'm wrong?!?
  15. yo starz above I think people have already voted on the zoink battle!?!
  16. Yes theres one beginning in the top left corner and the other one underneath it...bring it on...:king:
  17. OH MY GOD! IT'S A DOUBLE ZOINK!!!!!! boooom. http://mitglied.lycos.de/kiskone/ZOINK.jpg'> :D :D :D :D
  18. I got my ZOINK done in black and white I'll post it later on... My vote goes to plebian rock's CHASE...its just....umm...juicy. Spellbound's is good too tho.
  19. Alright I'll do a ZOINK and try to post it on Monday. Full color? b/w? I would prefer a black and white one
  20. someone gimme a word and I'll do it!:p
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