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Wilt TA

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Everything posted by Wilt TA

  1. i would fuckin rip those toys in half if i had painted that mural. people need to have some respect. i mean a few tags on it dont make much of a difference, but when your doing nasty throwups over peoples faces on a mural with underlying tones of unity and peace - thats when i think its gone too far. looks like a lot of people are gonna get their asses beat in the near future. Quoted post faggot Quoted post [/b] :haha: my thoughts exactly... :haha:
  2. haha..i just checked out this whole can 2 bite crap...that 2 is definitely some can2 shit..haha funny..who cares..you have to rip on someone when you're coming up i guess..who better than someone that good..the 2 or..."Z" as he calls it in this as well as the O are can knocks..the E and the R are pretty sad... sorry man...haha i just thought it was funny...but ..keep on keepin on..
  3. this is kind of one in a rather large series of small canvasses im doing for a show...just thought i'd add something.
  4. ha..this seems kind of fun..and im bored..are there any battles going on that i can get in on?
  5. if people are willing to pay for something they appreciate..and help support someone..its a great thing..so don't hate because you sell your shit for minimal or trade it away..ive seen "dookie 20 minute canvas" look phenominal..its all in the movement and personality..a single line can move someone..but..you can keep trying to cash in on your dookie graffiti-style canvas all you want..i guess you gotta eat too. **edit** wouldn't you pay for a cd of your favorite "underground" musician?i know i would.full circle buddy.
  6. yo lord of the bong!!! im coming to a theater near you in the next couple weeks...get ready
  7. ^^^^thats the funniest undertone thus far...hands down...
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