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Everything posted by Pistol

  1. Does anyone remember that smiley site that had the hitler & fidel smileys?
  2. Pistol


    Just picture of a bike I rode @ the Route 2002 jeep,chrysler, dodge test drive thing. smooth ride. I took it for all those that frequent this thread. http://freephoto-i.net/users/PISTOL213/DSC00141.jpg'>
  3. zack is cool and all but i could have gone without seeing that.:eek:
  4. What's cracking wonka? You mentioned something about getting a job making 30 bones an hour. Get clean bro and get your money.
  5. Pistol


    ^^^ The link for above is http://www.bikeshow.com
  6. Pistol


    http://www.bikeshow.com/images/bikeshow_logo2002b.gif'> Los Angeles Bike Show LOS ANGELES CONVENTION CENTER SOUTH HALL 1201 S. Figueroa St.- Los Angeles (213) 741-1151 Convention Center Parking $7 From LAX: Take the 405 Freeway North to the 10 Freeway East. From the 110 Fwy and the 10 Fwy: Exit Pico Blvd and follow the signs. Friday, April 5 Noon - 7:00 pm Saturday, April 6 10:00 - 6:00 pm Sunday, April 7 10:00 - 5:00 pm Tickets will be available on-site at the Convention Center Box Office during show hours. Adults (13 and over) $8 Children (6-12) $4 Children under 5 : Free $1 discount coupons will be available at your local bike shop, health club and other retail outlets. Also look for the discount coupons in our advertising. For more specific information about directions, parking and public transportation options: http://www.lacclink.com/general_directions.htm Free Valet Bicycle parking will be available on Saturday & Sunday.The entrance is on the Figueroa Street side of the South Hall.
  7. ok im back one last thing./ theres this liquor store in hollywood called "Bogie's Liquor" i'ma try and remember to take a camera and take a flick for ya.
  8. i'm out. someone should print up some of those obey ones that mamerro did. that would be pretty bad ass.
  9. Zacko blingin' like a mutha. no wonder you pimp all the female promoters.
  10. a got a couple remixes here that sound like it's what you need. i tried e-mailing but the files were too large. any ideas?
  11. i think I got it isn;'t it ghetto red hot. i'll e-mail it to ya.
  12. 2 hot dogs and some fries from THE HAT in Monterey Park
  13. 2 slices of pepperoni pizza from cost-co about 4 minutes ago.
  14. My childrens literature teacher said he used to be all into as a kid. He said he hardly ever used to do anything other than play D&D. Actually when I saw Bojangles pic thats who he reminded me of. I never played though. But I believe this guy did! http://www.nohomers.net/multimedia/images/others/storeguy.gif'>
  15. I just saw this on yahoo. Thought it was pretty interesting and some of you might enjoy reading this article. Sources: Reuters | SPACE.com | AP Friday December 21 3:07 AM ET Scientists Spot a New Type of Squid By PAUL RECER, AP Science Writer WASHINGTON (AP) - Moving like a ghostly figure in the inky black of the ocean deep, a new and bizarre type of squid with spidery, 20-foot-long limbs has been spotted in a series of photographs taken by scientists in submersibles. In a study appearing Friday in the journal Science, researchers report that the unusual squid appears to live in the frigid, dark waters of the deepest part of the world's oceans. ``I call it a mystery squid,'' said Mike Vecchione, a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration researcher. ``It's unlike any other squid I've ever seen.'' Vecchione, first author of the study, said the only evidence of the squid comes from photographs and video images taken during submersible dives starting in 1988. However, he said, the findings are persuasive because they came from eight independent worldwide sightings by scientists from eight institutions in four countries. The sightings were in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans and in the Gulf of Mexico. The deepest sighting came at 15,534 feet - almost three miles below the surface - in the western Atlantic off the coast of Brazil. ``Not only is this thing really bizarre, it seems to be fairly common in deep waters all over the world,'' said Vecchione. Little is known about creatures living in the deep waters of the world's oceans, he said. ``This is the largest unexplored part of the Earth by far,'' said Vecchione. ``I firmly believe that there is a lot of really weird stuff down there that we don't know about.'' The photos show an animal with a relatively small head topped by large fleshy, collar-like fins. Extending from the base of the head are 10 wispy appendages sweeping out for up to 20 feet. Some of the appendages are sharply bent, as if at a joint. Some scientists reported seeing suckers on the upper part of the limbs. Suckers are a common feature of squid. The largest animal sighted was about 21 feet long, but most of that length was in slender limbs. ``It is very distinctive with the very long skinny arms, with an elbow,'' said Vecchione. ``There are 10 appendages there, but they all seem to be pretty much the same. In most squid, two would be tentacles.'' The scientist said he could not estimate the weight or mass of the animal but observed: ``It is not like a giant squid, which has a really massive body. This is a fairly small squid with bizarre arms that stretch on forever.'' The deep-water home of the squid is a world of darkness, untouched by light from the surface. Many animals living there make their own light with luminescent chemicals in their bodies, but Vecchione said there was no evidence the squid could make light. For food, Vecchione believes, the squid may use its long arms ``like a living spider web.'' He said the arms appear to have a sticky coating that could entrap small prey. ``I think it dangles those arms until small organisms bump into them,'' he said. ``It is like a snare.'' During one Gulf of Mexico sighting, the squid brushed against the submersible and seemed to have problems dislodging its arms from the vessel hull. ``The arms seemed to stick to it (the vessel) and it had trouble letting go,'' said Vecchione. This suggests the arms are coated with a sticky mucous, he said. The mystery squid cannot be named until a specimen is captured and examined, but Vecchione said it appears similar to small squid he and others recently discovered in shallow waters of the eastern Pacific Ocean. Those animals have been named Magnapinnidae Pacifica. Magnapinnidae means ``big fin.'' Vecchione said the mystery squid may be the adult form of the Magnapinnidae. Roger T. Hanlon, squid researcher at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Mass., said he was ``quite impressed'' by the discovery. ``It is almost certainly a new family of squids which would be much more significant than a new species,'' said Hanlon. ``It is a wonderfully humbling reminder of how little we know about some aspects of this planet.'' He said the feeding system suggested by Vecchione for the mystery squid ``is quite plausible'' and would be unique among Cephalopods, a group that includes about 1,000 species of squid, octopus and similar animals. - On the Net: NOAA undersea research: http://www.nurp.noaa.gov Images: http://www.eurekalert.org/sci-pub/vecchion...e-12-21-01.html http://us.news2.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/p/nm/20011220/imdf20122001233125a.jpg'>
  16. Pistol


    Congratulations Devilush Congratuations Devilush. I think you just broke Frink's heart with that one. Good Luck.
  17. Chris Rock and George Carlin are the ones that I seen posted already. But I also think Dennis Miller Live is some funny ass shit. If you pay attention to the news or politics you'll be crackin up. Even if it's just to hear some George W. jokes or hear people say "motherfucker" like 10 times in a row cause they normally work on network tv. There was also this one HBO special with Jewish guy. I think he was bald. That guy was funny as hell too. The HBO specials are usually pretty cool for some laughs. ------------------ "The great man is sparing in words and prodigal in deeds." Confucius , Analects
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