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Posts posted by Pistol

  1. thats sounds dope. i've always wanted to do something like this. it's probably not gonna happen now that im married.


    solo trips sounds hella expensive.


    i got about a month let's roll suki.


    from the pics i've seen your car looks new. just take it to your mechanic and get a tune up and have everything inspected. make sure your tires are good to go. make sure you have the mandatory road emergency bag. it might sound gay/overkill but maybe take a little motorola type radio since your probably gonna go through some places where cell signals are non-existant.


    personally i'd feel weird if my chick was gonna go solo. i mean i'd be paranoid some weirdo hitcher is gonna snatch her up at a gas station trying to sell her infinity bracelets or something.

  2. tacos are easy to make.

    make nachos with the left over meat.

    quesadillas are easy to make.

    buy some lunch meats and make sandwiches.


    breakfast = cereal, ready mix pancakes, french toast, eggs.

    (all with 2 ingrediants)


    snacks = grilled cheese sandwiches, ramens, mac and cheese, baked potatoes. etc.

    single serve status

  3. i too have this problem. i usually keep it wraps around older heads, family, and out in public. But I do curse alot. It's weird I curse alot but I cant stand being out in public and hear dudes cursing up a storm. Even when there's no kids around I feel weird being around dudes that say 'fuck' around people.

  4. My name is only 3 letters. My homie said it as a joke cause the 3 letters were part of a phrase to describe me. (ex. (Punking Ricans In Charlstons Eastside.) So I started that name for shit's and giggles until eventually that became the name everyone knew me as and thast became my main name.

  5. IOU, I try to save the LA Weekly's in a pile so I can flip through and remember the shows but they end up getting buried under other shit.


    haha Cure haters. I grew up on that shit classic KROQ new wave shit.

    The Cure's been around 20 something years and is still relevant. Not to mention playing at a place like the Hollywood Bowl.

    Some chick on American Idol who's decent looking, but no where more spectacular than all the chicks I see at the malls. Besides she's gonna be forgotten in another 2 weeks.


    CreamyPotatoe, I know the GZA and the rest of the Wu do alot of shows here in LA at the Knitting Factory etc. but im pretty sure he's plays shit from his other albums. The first one is classic and is one of the few albums I could listen to start to finish.

  6. I seen Eek last year at The Vault 350 in Long Beach. Dude looked pretty healthy. Still all swoll and shit.



    Glad to see him get back into the states.

    I remember for awhile he was living in So. Cal. In the concert section of LA Weekly he was making the rounds from Ventura to SD for months.

  7. I was looking forward to The Cure playing at the Hollywood Bowl for months.

    They cancelled there previous show and posted this one awhile back.

    So I decided to check out the Hollywood Bowl website today thinking the concerts coming up and it was last Saturday (3/31). Fuck. I dont like making plans ie. buying tickets too far in advance. I tend to wait until the last minute cause I don't like to be tied down to plans. I sure as hell would lose any notes if I wrote it down. And I dont do email reminders cause I usually have them sent to my 'spam' email that I check once every month or two so that probably wouldnt have helped either.


    Another example would be while browsing I saw Reggae Night in August at the Bowl.

    So chances are I'll see this thread in September and be like damn missed another one.


    currently listening to The Cure - Close to Me.

  8. for some reason i always thought 200-300k would buy alot more in texas. like serious ranch type shit.


    i was gonna make a crack like niggas buying a 250,000 dollar house but can't afford a suit that costs more than 200 bucks. but i wont.


    so is this austin? rooms/bath?

  9. um yeah like the title suggests, post the last 5 websites you've visited.*


    1. www.recreation.gov

    Just extended my vacation a couple more days.


    2. www.google.com

    Google Maps FTW!


    3. http://travel.yahoo.com/trip-view-778449-yosemite_reno_lake_tahoe

    Some ideas for previously mentioned vacation.


    4. www.la2thebay.com

    Checking to see whats new and whats on the horizon. Look Daggers


    5. http://4dinsane.blogspot.com

    Checking to see if it was still up. It is!


    * not including www.12ozprophet.com

  10. damn pistol you've been on since 2001 like me.

    i actually just picked up intangible fame at the airport,

    remember him? he showed me my first bean shot of



    intangible was 'kingin' ch. zero back in the day.


    ah kettie kats bean.

    i think it was mamerro that turned that flick into peanut butter jelly time.


    cultural me was actual an asset to the oz back in 03 ish some of the best moments of 12oz.

    while most of you are just another fuckin' name on this board one of the many dozens that recycle the same old "fail" "ceiling cats".


    waddup intangible? spring is here. get the silk screen joint out son! ;)

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