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Posts posted by Pistol

  1. Anyone check it out yet?

    beta status.



    Just a heads up that the main RSS Feed that aggregates all the various blogs on the site has been fixed. So any of you into RSS, should jump on this feedhttp://www.12ozprophet.com/index.php/content/feed.xml

    There are 0 total comments about this entry. Digg! this entry.





    Check out Allen AKA's Blog at http://www.12ozprophet.com/index.php/allen_aka/

  2. i lost with that game, i picked arizona.

    also lost with usc and my underdog george mason.

    other than that 13 wins.

    13-3 so far


    my brackets should do ok. the teams i lost with i had losing inthe 2nd round anyway so hopefully it doesent fuck up the rest of my bracket.


    it's a trip how many sports fan's there are on 12oz.

    i bet if it was a dancing with the stars thread it would be up to 12 pages by now complete with critiques of outfits.

  3. Re: PsalmJuan boutta put ewe up awn suffin serrrus...


    yeah looking at his blog makes me feel like more of a loser.

    dudes going to barcelona to visit montana, chillin' with fab 5 at a basquiat show, bbq'ing in some marthas vineyard type place with the wife and kids next to trump's, family vacation in euroland, etc.

    and im here giving props and negaprops on 12oz and erasing penis' on drawball.

    /no homo


    ps. worst thread title ever.

    (people ain't checking it.)

  4. sheriff.jpg

    The Kern County, California, Sheriff's Department orders plain white patrol units and has the graphics applied locally. In

    this case, what they ordered was not quite what they got.


    This car was driven for 1 week before an officer noticed what the graphics company employee did on the passenger side of the car. The employee did this on his last day working for the graphics company before he retired.





  5. May-June:


    I might go somewhere else as I have 17 days off or so.

    Gonna try to hit up Santa Cruz, Monterey Bay or somewhere around Big Sur around that time while were up there. Possibly Lake Tahoe. It all depends on how tired of camping we are and how much crap we have in the truck by the end of the trip.

    Last year we went to Pismo Beach, might stop there for a day, at least to grab a few cinnamon rolls.


    In April for our anniversary we'll probably head down to San Diego for a 4 day weekend or Vegas. Or stay home ;)

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