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Posts posted by rental

  1. in my first dream this morning, i was drunk and one big black widow and one giant black widow with yellow tipped legs bit me and i had to go to the er and my family came and i drunk dialed my uncle at midnight while i was there. my hand had lesions where they bit me that grew very rapidly and were filled with snot colored pus inside and scabs around the edges. same thing happened to my foot. no one in the er treated me and i kept waiting for the seizures to start

  2. I saw the rumors of ripping off the rubinoos in that thread about her graffiti music video Girlfriend, then i ran across this on perez hilton



    not only is she blantantly ripping her off, but unsurprisingly, its with much shittier song lyrics.

  3. oh, but, uh...theres certain spiders that i cant hang with at the mo. for example:




    the huntsman. theyre australian house spiders, but giant. like, hand sized. abc's mom told me that she was in the car driving, and she pulled down the visor and there was a huntsman chilling behind it. no thank you! not like a foot from my face while trapped in a car.


    maybe if i lived in australia for a while itd be alright with me. but for now, im cool on giant house spiders. unless i have iguanas hanging out at my house to eat them.

  4. blackwidow.jpg

    my pet black widow from our last place


    those east coast centipedes look all prehistoric and shit. the big ones remind me of indiana jones and that kid from goonies talking about fortune cookies. man. i wonder if he feels bad looking back now for playing the biggest ching chong asian role in recent history.

  5. centipede.jpg


    um, yeah...the centipedes ive seen in california are similar to this. and like 2 inches long...



    did you know the difference between centipedes and millipedes is that centipedes have one set of legs per section of their body and millipedes have two?

  6. It's crazy how many people hate spiders. Spiders are fucking awesome.


    Centipedes on the other hand... fuck centipedes.




    i dont know about centipedes though. there arent many around here.

  7. Orangespider_small.jpg

    Golden Silk Orb Weaver - Nephila clavipes

    The Golden Orb Weavers build large, semi-permanent orb webs. The strong silk has a golden sheen. These spiders remain in their webs day and night and gain some protection from bird attack by the presence of a 'barrier network' of threads on one or both sides of the orb web. Sometimes their strong webs manage to trap small birds or bats, and the spider will wrap them and feed upon them. Commoner prey items include flies, beetles, locusts, wood moths and cicadas. Golden Silk Orb Weavers are large spiders (body 2-4 cm) with silvery-grey to plum coloured bodies and brown-black, often yellow banded legs. The males are tiny (5 mm) and red-brown to brown in colour. This spider belongs to the Tetragnathidae (longjawed orbweavers) family.

    Nephila clavipes is the only species in the Nephila genus that exists in the USA.





    Black and Yellow Argiope - Argiope Aurantia

    This lovely spider only has a short life span and once she has produced one or more (usually no more than 3) brown, papery egg sacs, she will die. The egg sacs are roughly round in shape and up to 25 mm in diameter; each contains 300 to 1400 eggs. She attaches her egg sacs to one side of her web, close to her resting position at the centre. Each female will watch over her eggs as long as she can, but will die in the first hard frost, if not before. The eggs hatch in Autumn ( fall), but spiderlings stay in the sac during winter and emerge in spring. There is also a silver argiope which differs in that it has a metallic silver back.

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