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Zack Morris

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Everything posted by Zack Morris

  1. I just thaught of what we can use the nightowls yahoogroups for...voting on new members and shit talking people behind thier backs...SWEET!!!!
  2. who ever is northwestfame...you are approved for the nightowls yahoo group
  3. dead milkmen make me happy...they also make me want to get stoned as shit. I need to find a dealer and go get stoned with the crew tomorrow night
  4. i don't know hwo it works or what we do...all I know is we are now on yahoogroups
  5. Congratulations! Your Group wonkslwothgin has been created. You can access your group using the link below or from the Yahoo! Groups "My Groups" page. Group name : wonkslwothgin Group home page : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/wonkslwothgin Group email : wonkslwothgin@yahoogroups.com its official...we now have our own yahoo group...hahaaha
  6. I have a picture of me brown baggin at the skatepark...but with no ninja turtle lunch bag....but they just started a helmet law at the park so I am afraid there will be police there when I go back brown baggin it so it might not happen....but I will brownbag it elsewhere http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00204558f00000040.jpg'>
  7. I found some ninja turtle lunch bags in my kitchen today...guess who will be brown bagging it at the skatepark tonight IN STYLE. I also decided that I should go on elimidate just so I can get 4 girls throwing themselves at me and I can drop them all like bad habits....muhahahaha
  8. this man speaks the truth. My friends dad just bought a lake house and a pontoon boat...we are going down to the lake one week for a drunken boat drive...SCORE!!!!
  9. ^^^did you get any of your pictures developed yet? I really want to see the one of the fire breathing
  10. hoot hoot nightowls....its 3am and I am going to bed...the only thing I dislike about my job is my loss of credibility as a creature of the night...but girls are impressed when you give them your bussiness card instead of writing down your phone number. and vinyl...Daver wanted me to say whats up to you
  11. here I am 5 hours later and I have a brand new water heater in the basement and another one chillin out in the back yard....hmmm I could make it into a neat art project ifI can finish draining all the water out of it.
  12. I remember GAT too. I get to replace my waterheater today instead of going painting witht he boys...fuck life in its big brown asshole. I was really looking forward to painting too
  13. well the girl that was letting me use her backside for a pin cushion just left town....boo....I am going to orlando in a few months to stay a week or two with her. I am looking forward to it since she was cool as shit. on a side note I got a promosion at word I am now an advisor to the new reps and I got a 5% pay raise on my commission I am now making 20% so I have doubled my starting pay my dashlights are now out on my car...in a little bit I am going to go up to the store and buy some small blue LED's to put in and wire to a remote switch so that way I can see my instrument panel until I get the money to have my entire dash taken out just to replace a lightbulb. I am also thinking of buying a set of 12's for my trunk and a nice amo...anyone have any suggestions?
  14. pistol I showed you pics of her way back...the girl with the goofy poses and the big eyes...she also wrote my name on her boobie a while back and I posted it on here and it made siloette mad.
  15. after 2 years and one day of no sex I just got done fulling some girls poop chute full of my jism...I feel great now I have to go sell knives. girls from florida know how to fuck...I need to take a picture of the damage she did to my back
  16. HAHAHAHA Nightowls I love you guys....Fame I can take you into my employment. I need to think of a catchy way to say bussness man night owl...hmmmm
  17. and to top it off the girl who I am taking out refer to me as "one of dem boys from da city"....SCORE!!!! now time to sell them knives.
  18. i have to go sell knives for a little while then I have a date tonight...woot woot.
  19. sounds like my place...today I made $167 in about 4 hours...its a good job the thing is its just a pain in the ass when your starting out.
  20. I been sleeping and working...my boss is mad at me becuase I'm not doing enough demo's...but anyways the knife bussiness is fun and so is the sitting on my ass and not doing a thing bussiness...you never appreciate your free time until something eats up a large chunk of it.
  21. its 4am here in kentucky and I don't care if its 5 in the afternoon in hawaii all of the hawaiian nightowls are cool as shit and get massive amounts of thumbs up. Therefore they are nightowls.
  22. I just got done eating a roast beef sandwich....I just wanted to say that...I also had mashed potatoes and gravy.
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