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wayne hits

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Everything posted by wayne hits

  1. somethin smells really funny
  2. toe cutter/ upir filcomg dead!
  3. my stepbrother broke out of the penetentry.; your fucking dead!
  4. mamamamaa i m fucking drunk.
  5. if i got an std that i couldnt get rid of i would put out a personal ad for female std carriers.
  6. well Usual Suspects is your homework. one of the best movies ever made.
  7. i told this story once, so if you've read it, sorry. im drinking all my rent money. im about to be homeless. so i figure its a good idea to wreck my house. my friend gives me a "chubby tubby" love doll. a huge fat blow up doll as a joke.. i blow it up and put it in the middle of my living room. i have a big party and smash up my place into a dump. in the morning im fucked on drugs and still drinking beer. i call in a gun threat to the hospital (i dont remember this) saying im going to kill everyone. i get sent to the psych ward because im crazy anyway. while im in the psych ward, my parents emergency move me because im getting kicked out. first thing they find is a chubby tubby blow up doll with a bottle in the pussy. my stepdad is so weirded out he thinks its serious and packs it up for me in case i still want it. so ive owned a fuck doll.
  8. Re: i want to cmeup later 2007ola for the thousanth time. your not mero . you can't type all caps. edit.
  9. the charles and bush impressions were awesome.
  10. nah wasnt it karl malone and rodman.
  11. yeah fuck it im gonna buy one.
  12. just how funny is barkley. i actually watch the halftime show when him and kenny are commentating.
  13. ive been meaning to buy one anyway. but hell if you are willing to post a chapter a day i would definately read it. we have had some similar life experiences.
  14. everytime theo posts kobe dancing i get a lol
  15. my teams are the warriors celtics raptors the suns. i hate fucking san antonio the nets.
  16. ...especially after someone vouched for you.
  17. Michigan. i guess im alone in that.
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