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Everything posted by DEE38

  1. you didnt pay attention to the beginning where the cop goes into the hospital and confronts him bout the meth lab and she shot fuckin child pervs. cmon, to me thats a hero in my book.
  2. What? english motherfucker, do you speak it? just kidding.
  3. some1 wants to get in the mix, im not sayin who though..
  4. that pug better have been an over 100$ purchase or take him to the "let me see your pets" thread, cunt.
  5. yeah, why the fuck did you think she wrote "1 minute man". only stuck up bitches would write songs like that. and why the fuck do you care about makeup anyway. "likE omG dEe fRuM whAt i HeaRd itS eiThEr your HoT oR stuCk up iF u weAr mAc" its okay i still love you sneak, just holler at me when you want a MAC makeover
  6. you talk like a wanna-be pimp you dont know me fool, dont make me repulse you and post my last-month pregnancy photos. stupid cunt
  7. HOT BOYYYYYYYY ^ current mac model. shes doing the whole "buy this shade of lipstick, proceeds go to the AIDS fund" im like fuck no i aint buying no aids colored lipstick. they brought it apon themselves she also does shit for mac. dont let the makeup fool you
  8. sneak im fucking hideous so im gunna say im stuck up. and im not even stuck up but thats the only choices you gave me missy elliot wears mac..... what does that make her???
  9. george lucas all up in that shit too. hahaha bob goes 'NIGT MICHELLE" hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahaha, best part.
  10. kennedy looks cute in there? whats this world coming too? i think maybe because im watching that shit pixelated.
  11. they have lots of color choices to match skin well and it doesnt make me break out which is very important when i buy makeup :( and shameless: i dont like wearing lipstick much. my eye makeup is usually dramatic, and wearing dramatic lipstick with dramatic eyes make you look over-done.. like its too much. you gotta balance it... dramatic eyes, subtile lips, or vice versa. but this certain lip product is a lip stain. its a very thin layer of color that kinda stains your lips and is on there for a while... its that lip look when someone just eats a strawberry. its just "enough" so that your not bare lipped... but then again not toooooooooooo dramatic. :)
  12. most horrible movie i has ever seen
  13. watch it and write your reveiw. its like 12oz homework!
  14. ballin on a budget
  15. mams im gunna have to put you in check for even comparing this shit to Domino. that movie was garbage and the plot sucked. the only funny part in Domino was when big mama went on Jerry Springer to talk about japnegros and shit. and i know you like kill bill mams so you'll probably like it..... don't you bump like.. the soundtrack? i remember you talking about it a long time ago......
  16. p.s. i got my homie EBERT giving the five thumbs up to back me up ! :P and i quote from him: "Speaking of movies that go over the top, "Running Scared" goes so far over the top, it circumnavigates the top and doubles back on itself; it's the Mobius Strip of over-the-topness. I am in awe. It throws in everything but the kitchen sink. Then it throws in the kitchen sink, too, and the combo washer-dryer in the laundry room, while the hero and his wife are having sex on top of it. I never tire of quoting the French director Truffaut, who said that he was interested only in movies that were about the agony of making cinema or the ecstasy of making cinema. "Running Scared" eliminates the middle man. It's not even about making cinema. It's just about the agony and the ecstasy." read the rest: http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060223/REVIEWS/60222003/1023
  17. lifes a bitch like that :(
  18. im sorry ferm but im gunna have to fight you for freedom on this one i loved it. its now one of my favorite movies. cmon, you don't like pussy eating scenes???? john wayne? i really really liked the part with the scary ass kid snatchers. i mean, such a fucking strong disturbing thing to watch, then to have the mom come in and smoke the two of them. i was jumping around my bedroom doing the running man like "IN YOUR FACE YOU SICK FUCKING ASSHOLE FUCKS, IN YOUR FACE" i only got this movie because the reveiws were like "......MAKES KILL BILL LOOK LIKE SESAME STREET" and i was like like, "oh hellzzzzzzz nah, kill bill is my favorite movie". kill bill is a great movie, but i guess they compared it because of the grusomeness of alot of the scenes. its been a while since i watched/rented a good movie. cmon dude, the story line was really good what are you talking about? all from the gun, oleks dad and his john wayne wanna be ass. the pimp about to cut a bitches tit off. i'll admit the ending is a lil weak, but wh ocares when everything else was awsome. dee-movie critic 1er
  19. and my mom told me about the time right after he got divorced from his first marriage he was single for a while and didnt get any for a while too, so his friends being the awsome people they were hired some hooker to go to my dads house. i can't belive my dad told my mom but i find it funny and gross. my dad is really awsome though.
  20. My dad had me when he was in his 50's so I didn't really see much of his crazy younger side. But my sister used to sneak out at nights to see her boyfriend or whatever. Anyway my parents would wake up in the middle of the night and check on her, and when they'd find her gone my Dad would get his riffle and sit on his chair in the porch and wait for them. She'd run off during the day too and my dad would do the same thing, sit on the porch with his riffle. The cops would drive by and stop and ask my dad what he was doing. He'd grab a piece of cloth and be waxing that shit like "Cleaning my riffle mind your fucking business" and they'd leave. now this is really funny because my dad is gunna be 80 next year and still kicking ass. last year... this japanese dude/neighbor started comming over to their house back home (so my mom told me) and would want to talk to my mom for whatever reason (i think he was like kinda retarded and had a crush on my mom) well my dad 78 at the time, started doing the same thing again. sit outside on the porch with the same old riffle.... and the last time the guy came by my dad started pointing the riffle at him swearing shit like "im gunna fucking shoot you, you fucking jap motherfucker" and what not. the guy never came back or passed by their house. this was like last year
  21. ugh. the usual.... arizona,california,mexico trio. wish i could take a trip back home to maui for two weeks. that would be so nice
  22. i love these. i havent had them since i was....... a teenager living at home. my parents make soup out of the flowers and squash. mmmmm so sweet. i like soft fluffy pizza with lots of sauce. i could care less if anything is on there because i take everything off 90% of the time. i love the lil pizzas you put in the microwave that come in like a bag of 6. or even the 99cent pizzas from tostinos. i like my pizza microwaved and not baked.
  23. omgggggggggg that gif is CLASSIC so much kudos for you~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!
  24. hahahaha my man saw bling bling diggin through the trash one day and said whats up. bling bling said "SUP MAN!!!!!! BLING BLING!!!!!!!! GOT ANY CHANGE>?!?!" we have his dvd, its sad.
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