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Everything posted by Fondles

  1. Update: Got the job! And the pay is above what I requested! I start November 1st. My benefits (fully paid for :-) begin December 1st. I think a trip to Copenhagen is coming up :D Also got the washer and dryer hooked up. Did laundry last night and I felt like it was a privilege. Hoe nigga roommate moves out in: 9 days. Baking some spaghetti and garlic bread. I hear Martha Stewart is doing ok at Camp Cupcake.
  2. BLAARGH BRAINS When I was like 5, I remember thinking if I let my hand/arms/feet hang off the edge of the bed, some monster of random sort would attack it. Seriously. Then my dad, in an attempt to console me, said all I had to do was put the cover over my head and they couldn't get me. That didn't exactly solve the monster mystery.
  3. What about constructive criticism on the site itself? Like design, layout, etc. (not the clothing designs).
  4. choppin off tits and knockin out chicks hahahaa I just ate a turkey (real turkey cuts) sandwich. What did you eat? Still waiting on the washer and dryer to come. And my phone interview is at 4:30. I was told he will only call once, and if I miss it, too bad. So the phone is going everywhere with me, even to the bathroom just to piss.
  5. What up kniggas? New washer and dryer being delivered today. Can't fucking wait. I'm excited. The garbage men took my trash today. The lawn needs to be mowed. Assfucker roommate has 9 more days till he has to GDFO. Yes, bitch, we are counting down the days.
  6. Just watched Team America bootleg. Shit was pretty funny. Advanced puppet sex.
  7. Vadim is tight, was listening to USSR - Art of Listening album yesterday. If you like scratch shit, I highly recommend the Fingerbangerz album - VIRUS. Easily my favorite new scratch album. You can snatch it off me via soulskeet. Just lemme know and i'll jump on if anyone does.
  8. I passed my second interview. It went extremely well. Funny enough, I got fired from their parent company a couple years ago. But that was then and she recognized that. That was my only concern, and now I have none. The third and final interview is over the phone sometime this week, then a job offer. The pay better be what I requested. I got bills and shit, need some new video games, and shoes, and pants goddamnit.
  9. So I passed the first interview yesterday. It took 5 hours. Now i'm on to the second of three interviews. Today I talk with the bigger boss. Should only take about 1 hour today. I had mexican food last night. That shit was ill. Chicken and steak fajita with domestic beer.
  10. Got an interview today. Will I get the job? Of course.
  11. glik knows what's up. Those doods can solve anything. Damn you sneaky BHO!
  12. 6:08 am. up for no reason. kicking my lame ass roommate out tommorrow (as in today when I wake up). I dismantled his assault rifle without him knowing it, just in case.
  13. What they mean is, if you have 12oz on Linear mode, instead of Normal, the very first post appears at the top of every page. The first post is by you, of course, and you should edit it with roster information. Though this is only applicable from person to person and their computer. But fuck outsidaz, we knockin headz off!
  14. lil scrappy almost got stomped at a show the other night. YOU DON'T WANT NO PROBLEMS, SCRAPPY
  15. Quick and cheap haha, gotta go to school and woke up late. Happy Birthday Sugar!
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