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Everything posted by Fondles

  1. goddamn i have nothing to add. other than im hungry. its 2:14 am and i want some damn BURGER KING. a chicken whopper. and fries. and orange drink.
  2. http://i.a.cnn.net/cnn/2004/WORLD/europe/09/13/britain.palace/long.protester.ap.jpg'> Honorary member ^0^
  3. i am in a dilemma, bats. I have 2 roommates. One roommate and I have decided we dont want the other roommate to live here anymore. He is a dirty bitch, lazy, procrastinates to the tenth power, and has no motivation or desire to succeed. He is "content". Make a little money, spend that shit immediately, get drunk/high, fuck some hoe, sleep. That's his pattern in life that he feels is all he wants. Which is a bullshit way of submitting to life. The nigga is fuckin lame for real. So, I say we tell him, you gotta go nigga, bye. My other roommate, who is my dawg for a long while now, wants to do it in a subtler method. Say something like, would you considering moving out sometime in the near future, we'll help you find a place, blahbalhbhlabbahla. Reason he wants to be subtle is because the dirty hoe ass nigga is kinda crazy and might fuck the house up when we aint home, if we say like I want to, go on bitch get the fuck from round here! See the problem? ..yeah. me neither..fuck him. hes gone. It feels kinda good lettin a potential thousand people know the issue at hand. no need to actually respond. thanks
  4. bachelor bat! ill bring the liquor and hoes. you bring the little fighting robots.
  5. pics of the cute things might take away the boredom. so. pics!
  6. fuck that evacuated shit, i'm stayin right here. cant leave the batcave over some wind and rain
  7. before the 12oz outage occurs, i want you all to know that i live in florida, and if the hurricane kills me, i leave unto you all: my cds and season 1 vhs of prince of bel air.
  8. By Odin's Beard! Crush his skull and chew his bones! meow.
  9. your tone has confused me. in more ways than one.
  10. also fratboys can use it to remind them to put another roofie in her drink when the time comes. Classic mistake.
  11. oh yea i got a couple gmail invites if anyone needs one. But why give it to you, when i can go to www.gmailswap.com and someone will give me their friendship forever/math tutoring in exchange? Someone else is offering the secret of Reincarnation for an invite. Can any of you offer this or more?
  12. im eating a vlasic kosher dill spear and its goood
  13. i just noticed that the WEAK NIGGUH thread was above ours. that is obviously an issue of knightbat national security and integrity. thanks for the bump deto. you have done a great service to your president.
  14. update: the eps are now @245 KB/s. irc is a gateway to nerdville. and still under riaa radar. supergreg (numba 1) approved.
  15. this irc channel has all the futurama eps @150 kbp/szzsnerd.nm.ttyl.
  16. read and learn: http://www.pbs.org/race/000_General/000_00-Home.htm ^o^
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