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Posts posted by Dirty_habiT

  1. Tried melting butter and putting baking soda in it then putting it on the steaks. 

    My process is to rinse meat juice off steaks after unpackaging then dry thoroughly with paper towels. Then I put the liquid butter and baking soda onto the steaks and stuck them in the fridge while I prepared other things. If you let your steaks go to room temp before cooking it is a lot harder to control the doneness imo. 

    don't forget to cuff the 1gallon freezer bags zipper area to prevent getting junk in the zipper as you put things in the bag. I see people on cooking shows fuck this up all the time and it just makes me cringe. 

    The steaks came out pretty good imo. Nice caramelization on the meats.  

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  2. Oh your industry doesn't allow you to job hop a lot and get competitive pay?  Find a new industry to be in..... maybe gender studies wasn't a great plan for living in a mansion and driving a G Wagon one day.


    I suspect that many people in the boat of raising minimum wage are also those recently duped by Biden into believing that their school loan debts would be zero'd out.  Crushing debt combined with rent, car payment, insurance, kids, etc would definitely make someone unhappy..... but I need to point out that nobody made them do anything.  Nobody made them accept the school debt and go to school.  Nobody made them have kids on accident, nobody made them have to go buy a new car.


    There is such a thing as living below your means.  It's a smart lesson that I hope everyone here understands very clearly.

  3. 1 hour ago, metronome said:

    Plenty of evidence out there that wages have stagnated in comparison to GDP, labour productivity rates, corporate profits... does the minimum wage need to be raised or does labour need to be more properly compensated?



    But, is it up to the government to handle this or the people that don't understand how it all works to handle it for themselves?


    I think if you're not going to learn about this stuff or study and understand it, and you don't "make enough money"..... then the only person to blame is yourself.  Anyone at any time can go out and get more money than they are currently making.  Complacency and laziness combined with ignorance make this a very comfortable situation for many people complaining about not bringing in enough.


    I understand very clearly that if I live in a place where the government uses inflation to pay for things, that I need to continually make more money than yesterday.  Of course nobody gets a raise every day but this attitude will help nearly anyone from stagnating in pay for long periods of time.  You just go to the next job and negotiate more pay, why should the government strong arm people into running their free-capitalist society businesses any other way outside of the way they want to?


    If I own a farm and i need to pay someone to shovel dookie, i sure as shit ain't payin no high dollar minimum wage.  That's a $10/hr job at most.  Oh, you don't want to do it for that pay? That's fine, we will replace you with a robot that never complains or strikes, or has emotions..... or a bad day.... etc.  If you think you're poor now, just wait until the robots replace all the plebe jobs.  Only people that pushed themselves to be part of the future will be able to participate.


    There will be no world where you can pay someone like me nothing or next to nothing to do the highly skilled technical work I do.  It simply won't happen.  I'm not unique, I'm not special.  Anyone can study what I've done at any time and do the same thing and make the same money if they put effort into it.


    Raising the minimum wage, IMO, is something that people that don't want to improve themselves vouch for.


    I'm not against a minimum wage, i'm just against raising it.  If you want more, do more... do a better job.  Don't expect the same shit you've been doing to magically start paying more.  This should be a kick in the ass to a lot of people but instead they have their hands out expecting daddy govt to do something for them.

  4.  I don't want socialism styles values put on paychecks for anyone. Raising minimum wage is very similar to that gay ass universal income idea the lefty neo socialists have been pushing so hard for.  The big difference is the people pushing socialism want "the government" to pay for the socialism. The government doesn't make any money on its own.  The people responsible for "raising the minimum wage" is going to be privately owned businesses. 

    Maybe we should just let the government have control over all private sector businesses. I'm kidding of course because the government is basically garbage at everything it does and hemorrhages money constantly. 2021 Biden admin perfect example. Surely you don't want those people deciding your quality of life for you. 

    If you can't earn money and never tried to then you better have someone that can help you because I don't give a rats ass about your hustle at that point. 

    Where does the money to raise minimum wage come from in the private sector?  It's not government subsidized. The business owners have to pay someone $25/hr to mop floors?


    I'll definitely make a floor mopping robot and those people with those "life skills" will want for socialized pay even more than they do now..... Not realizing that the solution is to their money issues is to "get good". 


    Steal from the rich to give to the poor. Robin Hood taught kids to be little commies at a young age.

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