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12oz Original
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Everything posted by Dirty_habiT

  1. In that case, I'm gonna be a bad guy. I like girls, thanks anyway.
  2. At least I brought my sense of humor the first time hahahaha. "I'd like ahh #2 fade, no sideburns, and uhhh make the back square....jeez" from the flarin nfadin thread.
  3. I don't think he's talking about bubble tape.
  4. Isn't Yoda a guy? Aren't you a guy? You'd never make it in the Imperial Army son.
  5. It's at page 81, let it die already. Willy Wonka get's much props for making such a long lasting thread. I frequently find myself tyring to think of what will be a popular topic, but it's not an easy thing to figure out.
  6. Re: Heather Christenesen like DAMN!!! there fixed.
  7. Heather Christenesen like DAMN!!! Dude, I've never heard of this girl before, but she is hot hot hot.
  8. Please sift through previous posts, I PROMISE there is a recipe like the one you want in there.
  9. Dirty_habiT


    This thread has been here as long as I have....It's hard to believe that it has almost 10 times as many views as it does replies.
  10. Will cmencup please report to the homosexual undertones thread. You are in direct violation due to your lack of heterosexual comments.
  11. My evil plan is almost complete...mwuhahaha!
  12. Oh, my....you really takin this beef shit in the ass aren't you...oh wait, we already knew that....hahahaha, straight dorked again hoe!
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