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shameless self promotion

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Everything posted by shameless self promotion

  1. Alot of good mentioned films. Def. tombstone, city of god great movies. Requiem for a dream Almost Famous (best movie soundtrack ever.) Donnie Darko Edward Scissorhands
  2. So....what ever happened to the night owls? Ninjas in pajamas? Underground I'm assuming?
  3. Its good to see that people are still painting in nc. When i was there only a few cats were putting in work...yors..filter..jat....mostly nsm cats.. Setcamp: hit me up on aim sometime, you know the name.. ~ssp The fayettenam vet.
  4. One year this 11th. I miss you kid.:( :king: RIP AOR HD (ECG):king:
  5. Always miss ya my man. Rip brother. BUMP!
  6. HAHAHHAHAHAHA.... I wrote that? Now thats funny.
  7. Bump. You deserve to be at the top kid.... I miss you.. (I'm sorry) I heard about the bad news today A crowd of people around you Telling you it's okay And everything happens for a reason When you lose a part of your self To somebody you know It takes a lot to let go Every breath that you remember Pictures fade away but memory is forever An empty chair at all the tables And I'll be seeing you when all my days boil down But it's better where you're going anyway (I'm sorry) I heard about the bad news today It's really hard to get through Tough times and long days But it really just depends on the season For now we'll say goodbye We know it's not the last time (we will meet agian..) I've lost the best part of my day But it's better where you're going anyway This is the last thing I will remember It's better where you're going anyway ~For Matt Eckert R.I.P.
  8. i was looking for this thread just the other day. Im starting to ride around everywhere on my bike. Especially when im really drunk...its pretty chill.. Can you get a arrested for drinking and bike riding?
  9. http://www.ampsoccer.org/kiev/images/behind-him.jpg'> GOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAL! Yes this girl has one hand..see?
  10. ese cracked, anyone else, i have been reading this thread since it was made, way back in the day, one of the greatest threads ever started on here and trust me everyone who reads this learns alot, i thought i knew alot about trains, tell you the truth i didnt know shit until this was started last year... keep it up guys...i wish my boy matt had read this, he would still be around.
  11. http://www.freephoto-i.net/users/aeso/Pict0010.JPG'> Rip in peace good friend...
  12. RIP buddy...i miss you.. Kristen and i will stop by and see you soon, promise..
  13. zack your scarin me man.. Im gonna send that shit out to a porn provider..get some $$;)
  14. Cant let this fall.... I miss you kid. Ill drop by and see you soon, i promise. :o
  15. whoze, i would like to get intouch with you... I have a feeling that you can get ahold of me through mutual friends.. Be on the lookout for me. ill try and get awhold of you.
  16. To our best friend, Present past and beyond Even though they weren't with us too long Your life is the most precious thing that we could lose.. While you were here the fun was neverending Laugh a minute, only the beginning, Matthew Robert Eckert this one's for you! Ever get the feeling you can't go on, Just remember whose side it is that you're on.. You've got friends with you till the end. If you're ever in a tough situation we'll be there with no hesitation: Brotherhood's our rule that cannot bend. When you're feeling too close to the bottom. You know who it is you can count on... Someone will pick you up again, we can conquer anything together, All of us are bonded forever if you die I die that's the way it is.... Matt Eckert R.I.P. Much love from your friends.. Miss ya.
  17. i have a bike..it has pom poms on the handle bars...weeee..
  18. Aor... One month kiddo.. Feels like you have been gone for so long..still cant believe something like this could have happened..i miss you alot man.. I know your lookin down on us now with that funny ass smile of yours. ~~(HI MOM!?!?!?!?)..hahha..You remember that.. Rest In Peace
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